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KEYS [New] New Feature
[Opt] Optimization
[Fix] Bug Fix
[Chg] Changes Previous Functionality
[Upg] Enhancement

New paragraph December 15, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 6.0

What's new: (Detailed list available here)

[New] Support for transaction attachments - A file (picture, excel sheet, PDF…) can be added to any transaction.
[New] It is now possible to select a transaction and directly create a split thanks to the new 'Split' function.
[New] The Scheduler now includes a preview and a chart in order to get a picture of the upcoming transaction impact.
[New] Tax editor, the possibility to assign taxes to accounts and calculate transaction tax automatically.
[New] Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually and Yearly Balance statement.
[New] Support for importing bank statements using a set of user-defined rules.
[New] It is now possible to list Payees in the Overview Panel and take advantage of the instant transaction breakdown panel.
[New] It is now possible to create Payee line, columns and pie charts.
[Upg] You can now enter partial favorites, favorites with only the fields you need.
[Upg] The favorite edition window now includes 'Clear' buttons to remove pull-down menu selections, and a general 'Clear' button to clear all fields.
[Upg] When applying a partial favorite only non-null data is applied keeping any existing field selection.
[Upg] The favorite window now has a 'Duplicate' function and buttons are now located in a toolbar.
[Upg] Transaction group handling and display have been enhanced in order to make it easier to use.
[Upg] Queries - 'Doesn't contain' added to rules when selecting 'Comment'.
[Upg] A calendar is now displayed when choosing the scheduled transaction "Add Now" menu.
[Upg] Possibility to create 'by category' pie charts.
[Upg] SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security.
[Upg] It is now possible to create net of taxes P&L and payment reports thanks to new 'Net of Taxes' option.
[Chg] When selecting a month transactions the list is scrolled to properly show the last entry.
[Chg] Project field included when entering a new transaction and auto-completion is active.
[Chg] The account statement report now shows groups rather than single transactions.

New paragraph December 9, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 7.1 release

What's new:

[Upg] You can now double-click on a stat entry to get the link opened with your browser.
[Chg] In statistics, the total is now computed using send messages in each delivery.
[Chg] In statistics, a progress bar is shown when changing the selection from the pull-down menu.
[Fix] A problem has been detected when uploading a remote list back to MLM.
[Fix] The burst mode list is again displayed when selecting 'Burst Mode' from the account manager pull-down menu.
[Fix] After a connection drop and sending to a selection, MaxBulk Mailer will now resume the delivery to that selection.
[Fix] MLM installer now uses full paths for FTP uploads.
[Fix] Several fixed with sorting in click count list.
[Fix] The Statistics click list now gets its settings properly saved and restored.

New paragraph November 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 7.0 release (Detailed list available here)

What's new:

[New] MaxBulk Mailer with the help of MLM 2.0 (included) now supports mail opening and click-through tracking (Pro Only).
[New] Redesigned Preview navigation controls with new 'First' and 'Last' buttons to jump preview the first and last entries in the list. You can also use the right, left, up, down, top, bottom, scroll up and scroll down keyboard keys.
[New] Crash protection system in order to recover a delivery from a crash (system and application alike).
[New] Recipient 'Get Info' menu and button open a window showing all the deliveries for a given recipient. If click-through tracking is activated you can also find out if a message was opened by that recipient.
[New] Possibility with new MLM 2.0 to handle local lists unsubscribe requests. You can check unsubscribe manually or set the application to check for unsubscribes automatically as soon as you select a list.
[New] It is now possible to upload your local lists to MLM directly from MaxBulk Mailer. Several options are available in order to upload the selected list, a given list or file. You can also choose to overwrite the current remote list, append the new entries, update them or send a list subscription invitation.
[New] Support for deleting and renaming MLM remote lists.
[New] Possibility to install MLM directly from MaxBulk Mailer.
[New] MLM now supports 6 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.
[Upg] Batch processing is now accessible from the 'Recipients > Batch Processing' menu. It lets you preview the list before selecting an action and deactivate entries before running a process.
[Upg] Preview is no longer limited to the first 1000 entries in the list. Any recipient can be previewed.
[Upg] New 'Recipients > Preview' menu and 'Preview' menu added to list contextual menu.
[Upg] You can now preview any recipient by selecting it and clicking on the 'Preview' tab.
[Upg] Main window now includes a 'Pause' button between 'Send' and 'Stop' buttons. Allows user to Pause and later resume a delivery.
[Upg] A confirmation dialog is now displayed after clicking on the 'Send' button offering saving the document (if not saved yet).
[Upg] The settings panel now shows a delivery per hour estimation based on the selected group, interval, connexions...
[Upg] You can now choose to receive delivery reports in HTML or Plain Text. HTML is now the default format.
[Upg] When sending a message in Test Mode, the new HTML delivery report uses a different color (grey instead of blue).
[Upg] Detailed delivery report now includes two CSV files containing sent addresses and errors if any.
[Upg] New preference entries to edit the number of retries and the timeout when connecting to a server.
[Upg] New [Unsubscribe] tag in order to insert an Unsubscribe URL in the message (MLM needs to be installed).
[Upg] The software is now available in Swedish.
[Upg] A local backup is now created each time a remote list is selected.
[Upg] A 'Select Blacklisted' menu has been added to both the recipient main and contextual menus.
[Chg] ESMTP is now the default authentication since it is the most popular.
[Chg] Blacklisted, unchecked and unsubscribed recipients are now displayed in light grey. In addition blacklisted recipients are struck out to tell them apart. Email addresses appear in blue.
[Chg] A confirmation dialog is now displayed when attempting to add recipients to the blacklist.
[Upg] POP authentication socket partially rewritten.
[Upg] Styled Text parser partially rewritten to avoid alignment problems.
[Upg] New 'Buy an Account' menu added to the settings account pull-down menu. Let's you purchase a bulk SMTP account.
[Fix] Delivery ID number is now double-checked before a delivery in order to avoid duplicates (because of multiple doc opened).
[Fix] Several minor fixes related to the message and header formatting.
[Fix] Several changes to avoid SMTP timeouts.
[Fix] Renaming a list no longer prevents to open it back on given occasions.
[Fix] Better duplicate checking when adding a duplicate by renaming an existing entry.

New paragraph November 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.7.1 release

What's new:

[Upg] Support for MBMv7 and MLMv2 bounce reporting.
[Upg] Support for more IMAP commands.

New paragraph September 15, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.8 release

What's new:

[Upg] Loading progress now displayed when downloading a remote list.
[Upg] When in Test mode the connection log now shows the email address the message would have been sent in real delivery mode.
[Fix] The [Delivery Number] tag was not properly replaced with the current delivery number on given occasions.
[Fix] Documents saved to log now include the message subject with all the tags processed.
[Fix] Plain Text Alternative Preview now displays all the headers.
[Fix] Wrong error displayed when sending to an empty list in Test Mode.
[Fix] Better support for attachments with non-ASCII names.
[Fix] Delivery number no longer conflicts between documents during a delivery.
[Fix] Bulk delivery in Test Mode now properly updates list and gives accurate data in the delivery report.
[Fix] Error is now displayed in the status bar when a fatal connexion error happened.
[Fix] Entries not properly blacklisted in given occasions (when no First name).
[Fix] Messages sent in Base64 no longer show artifacts.

New paragraph September 15, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.5

What's new:

[Upg] The overview breakdown preference settings are now saved and restored.
[Chg] It is now possible to change the currency of a used account despite rates will not be updated.
[Chg] A warning is now displayed when trying to group in the Query panel, transactions from different months.
[Fix] Rounding problem in pie chart when using given number settings in system preferences.
[Fix] Group total display problem when using same origin account and that account is not a bank account.
[Fix] It is no longer possible to enter Payees with the same name (to avoid confusions when entering transactions).
[Fix] The 'Contact' edition window no longer locked when trying to modify an entry.

New paragraph September 15, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.7 release

What's new:

[Upg] New internal rules added to track more bounce types.
[Opt] Several speed optimizations.
[Fix] Internal error handler modified to better handle spam related bounces.
[Fix] Better socket initialization and reseting between connections.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.4.4

What's new:

[Upg] Scheduled transactions are now automatically deactivated as soon as they expire.
[Fix] Group calculation issue when mixing expenses with transfers.
[Fix] Payee no longer get deleted when trying to delete one or several characters.
[Fix] 'Total' sometimes placed in the wrong place in the chart data list causing sudden variations in the chart.
[Fix] Charts are now a bit more responsive and show 'Calculating...' during data crunching.
[Fix] Dutch localization fixes (Duplicate 'Wis' button in transaction panel renamed 'Verwijder').
[Fix] It is now possible to set a scheduled transaction to be deleted even when selecting 'Only once'.
[Fix] Day field properly focused when entering a transaction by pressing the enter key in the contact field.
[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.7 release

What's new:

[New] Marketcircle Daylite support. A Daylite plugin is now available in order to transfer contact from Daylite to MaxBulk Mailer.
[Upg] Attachments are now displayed as an icon with the file name on the preview panel when they are not pictures (jpg, png, gif).
[Upg] Inline pictures don't appear in the attachment panel anymore on Mac OS X Mail (similar to Mail built-in stationaries).
[Upg] The Big5-HKSCS encoding is now supported.
[Fix] Issue when using the styled text format with Japanese and Chinese.
[Fix] Inline pictures with a link are no longer displayed with a border.
[Fix] Better support of SMTP error 511.
[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.6.1 release

What's new:

[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Extractor 3.4.1 release

What's new:

[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.5.3 release

What's new:

[Opt] Better handling of MX record priorities.
[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: Web Dumper 3.1.1

What's new:

[Fix] ' supported in HTML code.
[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxNews 1.3.2

What's new:

[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'.

New paragraph July 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph Update: Transaction 1.6.3

What's new:

[Fix] Data is now saved to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog' folder rather than '~/Documents/Maxprog'..

New paragraph June 16, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.4.3

What's new:

[Fix] A shortcut conflict has been removed between panels and windows (Ctrl/Cmd-1 to Ctrl/Cmd-5)
[Fix] Some Swedish localization typos has been removed.
[Fix] Dutch localization has been fully revised.
[Fix] Payee can now be removed from new transactions (broken in previous release)

New paragraph June 16, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.6 release

What's new:

[Upg] It is now possible to force line breaks in conditional statements using '\r' without quotes.
[Opt] The 'Errors' email address is now used as the message envelope sender in order to get bounces sent to a different address.
[Fix] Rare crash on opening documents on PPC computers.
[Fix] Rare crash on launching the application on PPC/MacIntel computers.
[Fix] A shortcut conflict has been removed between panels and windows (Ctrl/Cmd-1 to Ctrl/Cmd-5).
[Fix] Styled text Preview no longer beep on PPC computers.
[Fix] ISO encoding issue with double-byte languages in given headers.
[Fix] Signature saving problem on Windows.
[Fix] Problem when saving and loading preferences in rare occasions.

New paragraph June 16, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.6 release

What's new:

[Upg] New internal rules added to track more bounce types.
[Fix] A shortcut conflict has been removed between panels and windows (Ctrl/Cmd-1 to Ctrl/Cmd-5).
[Fix] Encoding problem when dropping files in given occasions.

New paragraph June 16, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Extractor 3.4 release

What's new:

[Upg] eMail Extractor is now localized to Japanese.
[Upg] Several small enhancements.

New paragraph May 12, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.4.2

What's new:

[Opt] Selection of budgets is now much faster.
[Fix] Period Balance sheet variation sign is now properly applied.
[Fix] Transaction deletion issue on Windows.
[Fix] The Payee pull-down menu on the Query panel now sorts entries alphabetically.
[Fix] The project manager now allows to deactivate more entries. The limit is now 1024 total length of deactivated project names.
[Fix] The budget panel now only shows enabled accounts and categories with at least one enabled account.
[Fix] Charts and reports no longer get 'cropped' for Quarterly results when no transactions in first months of fiscal year.

New paragraph May 12, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.5 release

What's new:

[Upg] Preview 'Plain Text Alternative' menu to preview the plain text alternative of HTML/Text, Styled text and Web Page messages.
[Upg] Preview 'Reload' menu and button in order to reload the page after looking at its code or plain text alternative.
[Upg] Several important enhancements to the SpamChecker.
[Upg] Settings Export/Import menu now includes a list of recently Exported/Imported settings.
[Chg] The delivery report now shows the message subject with the tag processed (if any).
[Fix] Issue when importing the company field of contacts from the Address Book.
[Fix] ISO encoding problem for Japanese and some other asian languages.
[Fix] Several little fixes to given headers. Reply-To Header no longer sent when same as From address.
[Fix] Wrong Pending recipients count on given occasions.
[Fix] Web page preview opening as an external document.

New paragraph May 12, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.5.2 release

What's new:

[Upg] Better support for greylisting.

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.4

What's new:

[Upg] It is now possible to set a document fiscal year starting month.
[Upg] The query panel Payee pull-down menu now only shows the payees used in transactions related to the query.
[Upg] It is now possible to select several results from a SQL query, including with the 'Select All' menu.
[Upg] It is now possible to enter amounts with no heading zero (.50) both in the transaction panel and the calculator.
[Upg] Both the . and , key are now supported to enter decimal separators.
[Upg] Pressing the +-*/ operator keys in the amount field will now show the calculator with the amount and operator entered.
[Upg] It is now possible to delete current number digit by digit using the Delete key in the calculator.
[Upg] It is now possible to Group and Ungroup transactions from both the Query and the Overview panel.
[Upg] Transaction status bar now display the money flow percentage ((Incomes-Expenses)/Incomes).
[Upg] It is now possible to create accounts and categories from the OFX and the QIF target account selector.
[Upg] OFX import now displays a progress window.
[Upg] The statistics panel now support the 'Edit -> Copy', 'Edit -> Select All' and 'Edit -> Select None' menus.
[Upg] Deactivated accounts, contacts and projects can be hidden from their respective manager window through a contextual menu.
[Upg] The General Ledger now includes payee/issuing information.
[Upg] The Budget now allows you to compare data with a custom date range.
[Chg] The General Ledger now uses standard dates following the operating system settings.
[Fix] Bank pull-down menu on the transaction panel now always keeps its value after switching panels.
[Fix] Payee no longer right-cropped when trying to delete text.
[Fix] Daily, Weekly and bi-weekly scheduled transactions are now added properly to the transaction panel.
[Fix] There is no tab stops anymore on pull-down menu on the transaction panel.
[Fix] Queries on amount between 2 values no longer show an error window.
[Fix] Next scheduled transaction date is now properly computed when editing or adding a transaction to the scheduler.
[Fix] OFX import now check for duplicates using the FITID field.
[Fix] Query panel is now updated when switching using shortcuts.
[Fix] The general ledger by project now only shows the transaction of the select project.
[Fix] QIF import bank transfers are no longer imported twice.
[Fix] Several important fixes regarding QIF imports.
[Fix] Deactivating a non-selected scheduled transaction no longer deactivated the selected ones.
[Fix] Composite query key handling has been enhanced in order to avoid conflicts with panel switching shortcuts.

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.4 release

What's new:

[New] The Web Page format now downloads and inserts external CSS files automatically.
[Opt] Startup BlackList loading is now much faster.
[Fix] Wrong POP to ESMTP recovery is back.

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.5.1 release

What's new:

[Chg] A DNS lookup failure now results in an 'unable to test' result (can be changed from prefs).

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.5.4 release

What's new:

[Upg] New internal rules added to track more bounce types.
[Upg] New 'Restore defaults' contextual menu added to rule list.

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Extractor 3.3.3 release

What's new:

[Chg] 'Return-Path' header processed when extracting from email raw source.
[Fix] Wrong file extension applied when selecting Vcard and detail error information.

New paragraph April 14, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: Loan Calc 2.7 release

What's new:

[Upg] Last repayment is now rounded to avoid a negative final balance or a small pending amount.
[Upg] It is now possible to set the term amount and get it used as is without rounding.
[Fix] No more data loss when pressing the Cmd-W shortcut right after Cmd-S (or choosing the File>Save' menu).

New paragraph March 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.3

What's new:

[Upg] Possibility to expand or collapse all grouped transactions.
[Upg] It is now possible to deactivate/disable contacts.
[Upg] Deactivated scheduled transactions now appear grayed.
[Upg] Scheduler now lists transaction's payee/issuing.
[Fix] 'Transaction -> Save' button with 'Cmd+S' shortcut is now 'Ctrl+Alt+S' on Windows.
[Fix] When importing transaction from text, extra trailing line breaks no longer repeat last transaction.
[Fix] You can again deactivate a scheduled transactions without selecting it first.
[Fix] As soon as you delete/edit/deactivate/duplicate a scheduled transaction, the transaction panel gets updated.
[Fix] Queries on transaction amounts no longer fail on given numbers.
[Fix] Queries on transaction amounts now include groups.
[Fix] Project is displayed on list including for grouped transactions.

New paragraph March 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.3 release

What's new:

[Opt] List loading from the list manager pull-down menu is now much faster.
[Opt] Documents containing large lists now load much faster.
[Opt] Recipient list import is now much faster.
[Fix] Using tags in the Cc field no longer produces errors when the tag contains no data.
[Fix] It is again possible to drag and drop groups from the Mac OS Address Book.
[Fix] Recipient delivery statuses no longer reseted to 'Unsent' when sending to a selection.
[Fix] There is no warning/error window anymore when opening a styled text document with centered text.
[Fix] No more data loss when pressing the Cmd-W shortcut right after Cmd-S (or choosing the File>Save' menu).
[Fix] A delivery is no longer interrupted when an error 550 happens after a successful authentication.

New paragraph March 17, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.5 release

What's new:

[Opt] Documents containing large lists now load much faster.
[Upg] DUL and Trend Micro RBL blacklists added to verifier handler.
[Chg] Blacklist handlers have now first priority.
[Chg] An email address causing a 5.7.1 code will now be marked as 'Looks Valid'.
[Fix] It is again possible to drag and drop groups from the Mac OS Address Book.
[Fix] List selector window no longer displayed when selecting 'List' and list contained entries.
[Fix] 'List' automatically selected when dropping entries to the list.
[Fix] No more data loss when pressing the Cmd-W shortcut right after Cmd-S (or choosing the File>Save' menu)

New paragraph March 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.5.3 release

What's new:

[Opt] Documents containing large lists now load much faster.
[Fix] No more data loss when pressing the Cmd-W shortcut right after Cmd-S (or choosing the File>Save' menu)

New paragraph March 17, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxNews 1.3.1

What's new:

[Fix] Follow-ups now use proper references.
[Fix] No connection window is displayed when no group has been checked.

New paragraph February 10, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.2

What's new:

[Upg] It is now possible to deactivate and hide projects from the project manager.
[Upg] Main window and other open managers are now updated after a successful SQL Query.
[Upg] It is now possible to set the week starting day (Sunday or Monday) on the preferences in order to display calendars.
[Upg] New 'Transaction -> Save' button with 'Cmd+S' shortcut to save the modifications of the selected transaction.
[Chg] When adding a transaction already assigned to a project, that project name is now visible in the project field.
[Fix] We now show an alert when trying to open a document already opened by another instance of iCash.
[Fix] Budget totals are now always visible including after collapsing and expanding a row.
[Fix] The chart is now cleared when switching formats.
[Fix] A date format issue causing SQL queries failure on given occasions has been fixed.
[Fix] General status bar balance properly computed even if any of the account used has been deleted.
[Fix] The pie chart now always show the right values when deactivating accounts.
[Fix] Folder icon on the preview panel is no longer blank (QT issue).
[Fix] Comment no longer right-cropped when trying to delete text.
[Fix] Adding a transaction to an empty project and clicking on Cancel no longer remove the project from the transaction.
[Fix] Several corrections have been done to the portuguese and spanish localizations.

New paragraph February 10, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.2 release

What's new:

[Chg] Lists names are no longer limited to 32 characters.
[Chg] Recipient list first column is now sorted by delivery status when clicking on its header.
[Chg] The [List name] tag no longer replaced by 'Multiple Lists' when using multiple lists but by the list the recipient actually belongs to.
[Fix] Alignments on Windows when using the Styled Text format work again.
[Fix] When selecting 'Multiple Lists' the list of lists can now be properly sorted by date and recipient count.
[Fix] It is again possible to drag and drop entries from the Mac OS Address Book.
[Fix] Dropped Mac OS Address Book entries are now encoding safe.
[Fix] Sorting by recipient activation (command click on delivery column) is now instantaneous.
[Fix] Several fixes to the MLM script.

New paragraph February 10, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.4.3 release

What's new:

[Fix] It is again possible to drag and drop entries from the Mac OS Address Book.
[Fix] Dropped Mac OS Address Book entries are now encoding safe.

New paragraph February 10, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph Update: Transaction 1.6.2

What's new:

[Fix] A date format issue causing SQL queries failure on given occasions has been fixed.

New paragraph February 10, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: Web Dumper 3.1

What's new:

[Chg] Single quote is now allowed inside URLs.
[Fix] The application no longer freezes when downloading a page in chunked mode.
[Fix] Download type no longer changes when deactivating and activating back the window.
[Fix] Problem with first URL in given occasions when processing [xxx-xxx] tags.
[Fix] The URL saved to the History is now the user URL including tags.

New paragraph February 10, 2009

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxNews 1.3

What's new:

[New] Application is now available as Universal Binary.
[New] The software is now able to look for new versions automatically.
[Upg] Great speed increase in indexing articles and creating threads.
[Upg] Browser coordinates are now fully restored.
[Upg] New Browser is now created using last browser coordinates on Windows.
[Upg] Browser maximized status on Windows in now restored on opening.
[Fix] Help file not accessible from inside the application in given occasions.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 5.1

What's new:

[Upg] All Project pull-down menus are no longer limited to 20 entries.
[Upg] All Project pull-down menus are now ordered by name.
[Chg] Budget variations are now always calculated except when values are equal to zero.
[Fix] Comment no longer right-cropped when trying to insert text.
[Fix] The tracking number is now visible for groups and grouped transactions as well.
[Fix] Transaction panel now displays scheduled transactions depending on the bank pull-down menu selection.
[Fix] Budget overall status now show a properly signed variation percentage.
[Fix] Budget income variations are now properly signed.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 6.1 release

What's new:

[New] New DEACTIVATE batch process keyword for deactivating addresses from a file.
[Upg] Support for the up and down arrows for moving through records in the recipient edition window.
[Upg] Support for the page-up and page-down arrows for moving through records by page in the recipient edition window.
[Upg] Support for the top and bottom arrows for moving to top or bottom of the record list in the recipient edition window.
[Upg] Support for embedding HTML formatted 'https://', 'ftp://' and 'mailto;' links into styled text messages.
[Upg] Recipient list printout is now 'stripped' to make it easier to read.
[Upg] The account setting password field now accepts spaces.
[Fix] History and Favorites windows now close when using the Cmd+W shortcut on Mac OS X.
[Fix] Problem with embedded HTML tag in styled text in given ocasion ( '>' converted into '>')
[Fix] Small glitch when saving a document, it still appears as changed.
[Fix] Small glitch when saving a document, wrong name proposed in given occasions.
[Fix] An email address is no longer added despite MBM tells you it is a duplicate and you decide not to add it.
[Fix] Remote List encoding problem in given occasions.
[Fix] Several fixed to mlm.php script and to the sample html files.
[Fix] Cmd+H shortcut replaced with Shift+Cmd+H on Mac OS X version to avoid conflict with system 'Hide' command.
[Fix] Favorites now support fonts.
[Fix] Issue with Remote Lists (MLM) when the date is missing from the List of available lists.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: Loan Calc 2.6 release

What's new:

[Upg] Repayment printout is now 'stripped' to make it easier to read.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.5.2 release

What's new:

[Upg] Better handling of error 102
[Fix] Issue when connecting to Gmail using the POP protocol.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.4.2 release

What's new:

[Upg] When resizing the result panel, the chart and the list are also resized.
[Chg] An email address causing a 5.7.1 code will now be marked as bad.
[Fix] An error when calculating statistics causing results higher than 100% in given occasions.

New paragraph January 13, 2009
MS Windows

New paragraph Update: Transaction 1.6.1

What's new:

[Fix] Language Ranking Report, the country column has been replaced with 'Language'.
[Fix] Clicking on transaction status bar no longer changes main status bar displayed data.
[Fix] Export of customers may create invalid records in given situations.

New paragraph January 12, 2009
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: Web Dumper 3.0
What's new:

[New] SSL Support, it is now possible to download and process 'https://' pages.
[New] It is now possible to ask the software to retrieve a whole site or only a single page from the main window.
[New] You can now dump lists of URLs rather than only single URLs.
[New] Pictures and CSS files referenced inside CSS code, both internal and external, are now processed and downloaded.
[New] The HTTP chunked transfer method is now supported.
[New] It is now possible to use up to 15 threads rather than only 10.
[Upg] The User Agent preference can now be edited manually.
[Upg] Flash '.flv' added to map.
[Upg] New enhanced 'Permanently moved' response handling.
[Upg] Window size fully restored between sessions.

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