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KEYS [New] New Feature
[Opt] Optimization
[Fix] Bug Fix
[Chg] Changes Previous Functionality
[Upg] Enhancement

New paragraph December 13, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3.5 release

What's new:

[New] It is now possible to copy or move recipients between lists ('Recipient > Move', 'Recipient > Copy' and recipient list contextual menus).
[New] It is now possible to merge lists directly using the 'Recipient > Merge Lists' menu.
[Upg] 'Edit > Cut' now also works with lists in addition to 'Edit > Copy'.
[Upg] An alert is now displayed with help when after trying to import recipients from a valid file, no recipient is actually added.
[Upg] It is now possible to export each recipient creation date, modification date and last delivery date.
[Upg] It is now possible to export recipients with a space as the field delimiter and the email address enclosed in angle brackets.
[Fix] MLM install no longer stalls on given servers.
[Fix] Consecutive searches on non-selected lists now reset the result window before displaying the results.
[Fix] The conditional statement editor wrongly using #! and !# instead of #? and ?# for 'ends with' and 'start with'.

New paragraph December 13, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.4.3

What's new:

[Upg] SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security.
[Fix] Favorites sorting by Project/Comment has been fixed.
[Fix] Lion issue causing the database to be case-sensitive on searches has been fixed.

New paragraph December 13, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: FTP Disk 1.1.2

What's new:

[Fix] Uploads are no longer interrupted or stalling when uploading single or multiple files on given servers.

New paragraph November 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3.4 release

What's new:

[New] New [Creation Date], [Modification Date] and [Last Delivery Date] tags.
[New] The Quick Selector now lets you search your list by recipient creation date, modification date and last delivery date.
[Upg] Several addresses per record is now accepted when importing - as many records are added as addresses.
[Chg] A confirmation dialog has been added to the 'Return Receipt' option.
[Fix] It is again possible to install the Daylite plugin from inside MaxBulk Mailer.
[Fix] MaxBulk Mailer now supports connecting to MLM thru a secure SSL connection (https) everywhere on the app.
[Fix] Statistics click-through count display works again (broken in previous version)

New paragraph November 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.4.2

What's new:

[Upg] Search box added to the Overview panel.
[Upg] Search box added to the Contacts, Accounts and Categories window.
[Chg] It is now possible to open as many chart windows as needed.
[Fix] Searches no longer case sensitive in given systems/computers.
[Fix] The chart window now select the same interval as the main window.
[Fix] The pie chart now also work with none P&L accounts.

New paragraph November 15, 2011  
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: Loan Calc 2.7.3 release

What's new:

[Fix] Several interface related small aesthetic issues.

New paragraph November 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: FTP Disk 1.1.1

What's new:

[Upg] Support for the MSDOS style lists.
[Opt] Batch operations are now faster.
[Opt] Directory listing is now faster and more responsive.
[Fix] Server 'Duplicate' menu now works again, broken in 1.1
[Fix] 'Add to favorites' now works even if the server change the starting path.

New paragraph September 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: FTP Disk 1.1

What's new:

[Chg] Disconnection timeout no longer displayed as an error.
[Fix] Several localization fixes.
[Fix] Several interface aesthetic fixes.
[Fix] Local files list is now refreshed after deactivating and reactivating the window.
[Fix] It is no longer possible to open the same file several times at once (duplicate checking).
[Fix] Server list sorted after each connection if the sort column has been set to connection date.

New paragraph September 13, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.4.1

What's new:

[New] A new 'Advanced' preference panel now allows you to adjust some specific settings.
[Upg] The project field now offers auto-completion as you type (like account and payee fields)
[Upg] The budget pull-down menu now has a 'Duplicate' menu.
[Upg] When selecting a transaction and an account was later deactivated, this new status is now displayed below the account field.
[Upg] Accounts are now displayed as 'Deactivated' in the transaction panel after selecting a transaction using deactivated accounts.
[Chg] Cursor now changes when on active labels (blue underlined labels like 'Day' in transaction panel).
[Fix] The transaction breakdown no longer disappear from the balance panel after minimizing and maximizing the window.
[Fix] iCash now works properly with Lion in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

New paragraph September 13, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3.3 release

What's new:

[Upg] MaxBulk Mailer now also supports connecting to MLM thru a secure SSL connection (https).
[Upg] It is now possible to Export/Import the history as part of the 'File > Settings > Import/Export' functions.
[Upg] Changing the message format will set the document as changed.
[Upg] It is now possible to rename the current document columns with a remote database import SQL query fields.
[Upg] More choices for the 'Delivery complete' sounds and list is now sorted alphabetically.
[Upg] It is now possible to export blacklisted recipients.
[Upg] Drag and drop of recipients to the desktop (or anywhere else) has been enhanced (Mac Only), vcf files are now created.
[Upg] TitleCase preference for importing recipients now properly capitalized the names like O'Brien, McDonald, MacDonald, Jean-Luc...
[Opt] Exporting and Importing settings is now much faster.
[Chg] Settings 'link' replaced with a button in the 'Upload to MLM' window.
[Chg] When exporting the blacklist, choices are now 'All' and 'Selection'.
[Chg] The MLM Install window default sorting column is the name column.
[Fix] Tags are now updated in the quick selector pull-down menus after renaming them.
[Fix] Problem with the window menu not updating checkmarks in given situations.
[Fix] Export now uses the right file extension, txt or csv depending on the selected field delimiter.
[Fix] Statistics export replaces 'Today' and 'Yesterday' with the real dates.
[Fix] The MLM Install was stalling in given situations.
[Fix] Burst mode default server checked when using the server list contextual menu.
[Fix] MaxBulk Mailer now works properly with Lion in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
[Fix] The 'Upload To MLM' HTTP POST headers have revised to avoid problems with given servers.
[Fix] The 'Instal MLM' server file list can now be sorted as expected.

New paragraph June 15, 2011  
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: Loan Calc 2.7.2 release

What's new:

[Upg] The application and document icons have been changed.

New paragraph June 14, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.4

What's new:

[Upg] It is now possible to create pie charts for a given month.
[Upg] New navigation buttons to change the chart period back and forth.
[Chg] Import from a bank statement, comment is no longer converted to lowercase.
[Chg] The Account Statement no longer displays transaction comments.
[Fix] Import from a bank statement, transaction type is now always recognized, including when not a default one.
[Fix] Split root transaction no longer set to 0 (Broken in 7.3).
[Fix] The Payee pie chart works again (Broken in a previous version).

New paragraph June 14, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3.2 release

What's new:

[Upg] Templates will now load the default list as set in the preferences or select the list that was selected when saving.
[Upg] You can press the Return or Intro key to start the search with the QuickSelector.
[Upg] Preset lists are now sorted in alphabetical order.
[Fix] Several Italian localization fixes.

New paragraph May 17, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.3

What's new:

[New] New Money Flow Statement and Money Flow Summary reports.
[Chg] In the french version 'Transaction' has been replaced with 'Opération'.
[Chg] The OFX import now lets you select a target bank account on each import.
[Chg] The split window now includes the 'Project' column.
[Upg] New 'Account > Reconcile', 'Category > Reconcile' and 'Transaction > Reconcile All' menus.
[Fix] The account statement was not displaying groups in given situations.
[Fix] The Import from a bank statement now automatically handles dates with only two digits.

New paragraph May 17, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3.1 release

What's new:

[Upg] New error handler for code 521.
[Upg] Remote imports now remove extra tabs to avoid column shifting.

New paragraph May 17, 2011  
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.8 release

What's new:

[Upg] 10 new rules added to rule editor (default rules).
[Chg] Loading a document will add the bounces using the duplicate checker.
[Fix] Duplicate bounces added to the list on given occasions.

New paragraph May 17, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Verifier 3.6 release

What's new:

[Upg] New error 421 handler with different behaviors depending on server login stage.

New paragraph April 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.2.1

What's new:

[Fix] Account statement now takes care of selected payee/project when listing scheduled transactions.
[Fix] Period calculation error on budget comparison values, especially for the variation.

New paragraph April 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.3 release

What's new:

[Upg] MLM now allows list names with single quotes <'>.
[Upg] MLM now uses a mySQL table to store subscription requests when mySQL has been selected as the storing method.
[Upg] 'Service not available' error now triggers the connection drop retry system. The delivery will automatically resume.
[Upg] It is now possible to select several deliveries at once in the statistic panel either contiguous or separated.
[Fix] Encoding problem when undoing text in the message field in given occasions.
[Fix] Import from Apple Mail now includes the recipient names.
[Fix] The 'Import from a Remote Database' window now automatically renames remote fields using the query field names.

New paragraph March 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.2

What's new:

[New] The export window now let the user create and reuse presets.
[New] It is now possible to import QIF and OFX/QFX files dropping then do the transaction list.
[Fix] Liabilities no longer displayed in the P&L summary report.
[Fix] Numbers are now exported without any thousand separator.
[Fix] Zonic payment system removed because of anti-virus false positives on Windows.

New paragraph March 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.2.1 release

What's new:

[Upg] New error handler now takes care of POP authentication.
[Fix] Upload to MLM with the action set to DELETE not working in given occasions.
[Fix] Encoding problem when undoing text in the message field in given occasions.
[Fix] Dropping UTF-8 text to the message field now works properly.
[Fix] Click-Through tracking now works with URLs that include line breaks.
[Fix] Zonic payment system removed because of anti-virus false positives on Windows.

New paragraph February 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.1

What's new:

[New] It is now possible to select what fields to export when exporting Transactions, Accounts and Categories.
[Upg] On first run the software now selects the right default starting day for the week depending on the language.
[Upg] 'Saturday' can now be set as first day of week.
[Fix] The Account Statement and Profit & Loss report printouts now show the date properly.
[Fix] Small format arrangements to the Payment Summery Report.
[Fix] All calendars now start with Sunday or Monday depending on the preferences.
[Fix] A problem on Windows version causing the scheduler to fail on last days of the month.
[Fix] Liabilities no longer displayed in the P&L statement report.

New paragraph February 15, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.2 release

What's new:

[New] MLM now includes a Wordpress plugin.
[Upg] The MLM subscription invitation has been localized and changes are now saved to the preferences.
[Chg] default action when uploading a list to MLM is now 'Append' instead of 'Overwrite'.
[Fix] The MLM URL pull-down menu no longer shows duplicate entries.
[Fix] Delivery no longer stopped on error 550 and 551 when authenticated (ESMTP).
[Fix] MLM password is no longer displayed in error messages.
[Fix] error_get_last() no longer used in MLM because of problems with PHP 4.

New paragraph February 15, 2011  
MS Windows

New paragraph UPDATE: eMail Bounce Handler 3.7.5 release

What's new:

[Upg] It is now possible to extract bounces from a file containing more than one bounce.
[Upg] Duplicate checker rewritten.
[Upg] MLM handler rewritten.

New paragraph January 11, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: iCash 7.0.1

What's new:

[Opt] The queries involving projects have been optimized.
[Fix] Account Statement now displaying splits properly.
[Fix] Project and contact type tables are now indexed.

New paragraph January 11, 2011  
MS Windows
  New paragraph UPDATE: MaxBulk Mailer 8.1.1 release

What's new:

[Upg] The Daylite plugin can now be installed from MaxBulk Mailer using the 'Install the Daylite plugn' menu.
[Upg] Some new error handlers have been added to the MLM installation.
[Fix] Insert tag menu is now enabled for the Name and reply to fields.

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