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iCash 7.9.0 (September 24, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Deductible expenses report.
 ▸ Category statement report.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated to enhance stability, speed, and file security.
 ▸ Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

iCash 7.8.8 (March 14, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Cryptocurrencies support. You can now have accounts with the currency set to a cryptocurrency (386 supported).
 ▸ It is possible to automatically update cryptocurrency rates through the internet like regular currencies.
 ▸ It is now possible to set a custom range in the statistics window, selecting a starting and ending year.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated to enhance stability, speed, and file security.
 ▸ New 24-month, 36-month, 2-year, and 3-year intervals added to the overview P&L pull-down menu.
 ▸ Interface and database access optimizations.
 ▸ Fix: Duplicate transactions are not displayed when duplicating in the same month.
 ▸ Fix: Transaction auto-complete using older transaction for transaction type.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when trying to edit several transactions at once.
 ▸ Fix: The Statistics panel is not resetting the column count between queries.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction panel navigation button now loads the current year/month when clicking on the dot button (current date).

iCash 7.8.7 (September 22, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: The transactions rates no longer accepting decimals.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when trying to select accounts in the Split window.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Open Recent ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.

iCash 7.8.6 (September 12, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ Double-click on bank account in the browser now open the account edition panel.
 ▸ When editing a transaction group comment (aka 'Split') you can now select a previous comment from a list.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security.
 ▸ New advanced preference entry to allow adding transactions with a duplicate tracking number.
 ▸ It is now possible to create a tax report for a given project.
 ▸ You can now enter/overwrite the transactions tracking number by clicking on the 'Tracking #' label.
 ▸ The Statistics panel now supports projects, it is now possible to get statistics for a given project.
 ▸ The Chart windows now supports projects, it is now possible to create a chart for a given project.
 ▸ When duplicating a group the date is now set to current month and year as with single transactions.
 ▸ The tracking number field number has been moved to the top right of the entry panel.
 ▸ The transaction entry panel 'Project' field now displays the projects ordered by date in descending order.
 ▸ In the transaction entry panel, Control-Click on 'Project' displays project alphabetically with access to the project editor.
 ▸ You can now sort transactions by tracking number in the Queries panel and transaction panel without pressing the Control or Option key.
 ▸ Clicking on the 'Tracking #' header while pressing the Control or Option key will sort the transaction by reconciliation status.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface fixes related to new 'Deductible expense' function.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes related to regular/XML imports and 'Deductible expense' info.
 ▸ Fix: When duplicating a group the custom title is also copied.
 ▸ Fix: When duplicating a group the tracking number are now properly incremented.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes related to panel splitter and splitter docking on main window.
 ▸ Fix: The currency rates can be updated thru the currency windows again.
 ▸ Fix: When selecting several transactions in the transaction panel, the SUM is now displayed as before.
 ▸ Fix: The bank account list listed in the the browser panel is now automatically updated when a bank is modified or created.
 ▸ Fix: 'Transaction type' field wrongly set by the auto-complete function in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: VAT type set in the account panel is now populated when entering a new transaction with that account as the target.
 ▸ Fix: The Help text for transaction button on MS Windows has been removed and replaced by standard help tags.
 ▸ Fix: The report panel controls are now disabled when not usable.
 ▸ Fix: Inaccurate Balance in Account Statement report when selecting 'Current Quarter'.

iCash 7.8.5 (December 27, 2022)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to set an expense transaction as deductible.
 ▸ It is now possible to set expense accounts as deductible so related transactions will auto-set as deductible.
 ▸ The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.
 ▸ The transaction entry panel buttons has been enhanced.
 ▸ The transaction entry panel has been updated and now uses different colors.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security.
 ▸ Charts, new switch to show/hide starting and ending null values from chart.
 ▸ Charts, by default starting and ending null values are deactivated and not displayed in the chart.
 ▸ The transaction entry panel 'Project' field is now ordered by creation date. Alphabetical order is still available by right-clicking.
 ▸ Refund amount color is now blue as incomes, green color is now used for deductible expenses.
 ▸ Fix: Transaction split window issue when the vertical scrollbar was displayed.
 ▸ Fix: The 'Select all' function in the transaction window has been fixed.
 ▸ Fix: Deleting several transactions at once from the transaction panel is again possible.
 ▸ Fix: When swapping origin and target accounts in the transaction panel, the add and save buttons no longer get disabled.
 ▸ Fix: Budgets, when you clicked on a cell to edit an amount only part of the number was being selected.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction breakdown quantity field now behaves again as expected.
 ▸ Fix: When creating a new document from a previous one, nothing was imported on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: When creating a new account, the account name field is filled with a previous account name on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: A new document with a single 0.01 transaction now displays all the information properly all over the application.
 ▸ Fix: Reports, wrong balance displayed when selecting a date then selecting 'Today'.
 ▸ Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly set when creating a new transaction using a taxed account.
 ▸ Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly saved when modifying a transaction using a taxed account.
 ▸ Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly set when selecting 'Automatic'.
 ▸ Fix: VAT was not re-calculated when duplicating a transaction and changing the transaction amount.
 ▸ Fix: Issue preventing the modification of the importing rules on the bank statement import window.
 ▸ Fix: Charts, 'Last 5 years' and 'Last 10 years' were displaying an unreadable horizontal legend.
 ▸ Fix: Charts, semester and quarter years are now properly displayed in the data list.

iCash 7.8.4 (August 11, 2021)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Linear chart's popup labels text is now centered again.
 ▸ Fix: Chart display problem in MS Windows version where only half year is shown.
 ▸ Fix: Read-only tax fields in given situations.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with transaction comment when importing transactions from a bank statement.

iCash 7.8.3 (July 1, 2021)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Query issues when searching for reconciled and flagged transactions.
 ▸ Fix: Query issues when searching for transactions with a given tax type.
 ▸ Fix: Issues when opening existing budgets and setting compare periods.
 ▸ Fix: The budget summary no longer displays a vertical scrollbar.

iCash 7.8.2 (June 23, 2021)
What's new:
 ▸ macOS version of the application is now available as Universal Binary (Intel+ARM).
 ▸ iCash now restores the panel you were in at the moment you closed the document.
 ▸ When the browser is not visible it is again possible to select a bank account in the transaction panel.
 ▸ The transaction account selector icons have been removed.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security.
 ▸ iCash no longer opens read-only files, files on remote servers or files with wrong or insufficient access privileges. A read-only fatal error alert is displayed instead.
 ▸ The Tools - Check Data function has been enhanced to handle more type of errors.
 ▸ It is now possible to modify, delete and recalculate the tax amount, and change the tax type, when entering or modifying transactions.
 ▸ Fix: When on the Account panel and selecting the 'Show All Transactions' menu, the query 'where' settings are now reseted.
 ▸ Fix: In the Account Statement import window, the data checker was not properly refreshed and displaying the same invalid date error.
 ▸ Fix: In the Account Statement import window, the comment case modifier pull-down menu second option was not applied properly (Titlecase).
 ▸ Fix: Several miscellaneous aesthetics/display fixes in the Account Statement import window.
 ▸ Fix: Chart display problem in MS Windows version where only half year is shown.
 ▸ Fix: Built-in support system was broken because of online form captcha and new security measures.

iCash 7.8.1 (January 14, 2020)
What's new:
 ▸ A new 'Browser' button has been added to the main window to allow setting the left selector list visibility.
 ▸ When the browser is not visible a set of tab selectors are now displayed to allow the navigation between the panels.
 ▸ It is now possible to swap the origin and target accounts when entering or modifying a transaction.
 ▸ A new 'Due Date' field has been added to the transaction entry window.
 ▸ A new 'Help' button has been added to the application main toolbar in order to get access to the knowledge base and to create support tickets.

iCash 7.8 (December 20, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ The interface no longer uses a global tab panel but a selector list.
 ▸ It is now possible to query transactions for a given account either as origin or target.
 ▸ SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security, along with macOS Catalina support.
 ▸ MacOS Disk image now comes signed and notarized by Apple in order to pass through Catalina Gatekeeper checks.
 ▸ It is now possible to rate and review the application.
 ▸ Fix: Expenses no longer added twice to the total when a credit payment is involved in the Overview panel.
 ▸ Fix: Wrong thousand separator character used in Windows for Charts.
 ▸ Fix: The currency list selector now shows the full list again.
 ▸ Fix: The Merge Accounts window now loads the accounts again.
 ▸ Fix: Crash on exiting iCash.
 ▸ Fix: The version update system has been fixed, an issue was preventing the download to finish properly.

iCash 7.7.1 (December 17, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Overview panel has been redesigned. It now displays chart and summary information.
 ▸ The chart panel now support 3D pie charts.
 ▸ New 'Last 12 months', 2, 3, 5 and 10 years chart periods.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Get license info, Register and Unregister.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to see the User License Agreement.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Reset the app settings to factory default.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Copy the current serial.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Renew the Update Plan.
 ▸ The 'Overview' panel has been renamed. It is now labeled 'Accounts'.
 ▸ All chart system has been redesigned to support Hi-Dpi.
 ▸ Fix: Interface flickering has been fixed on the MS Windows version.
 ▸ Fix: Comment auto-completion failing in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when quitting the application while entering a transaction.
 ▸ Fix: Chart data entries unchecked by error for given periods.
 ▸ Fix: Transaction debit and credit account information display issue on Windows.

iCash 7.6.5 (April 19, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Chart panel now displays all accounts or payees of selected type if no category has been selected.
 ▸ The MS Windows version is now available as 32bit and 64bit.
 ▸ Fix: Chart panel not displaying payees in the payee pull-down menu.
 ▸ Fix: Double-click on Overview panel payee list not opening the selected payee.
 ▸ Fix: Crash on exiting the application on given occasion.
 ▸ Fix: The buttons and menus when viewing payees in main panel have been all verified.

iCash 7.6.4 (April 11, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Application showing an 'iCash has stopped working' alert when closing on Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when adding an attachment to a transaction on macOS.
 ▸ Fix: Queries are again case-insensitive.

iCash 7.6.3 (March 13, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ The macOS version is now 64bit.
 ▸ The Statistics panel has been fully rewritten since it was not possible to port it to 64bit.
 ▸ Fix: Bank Statement import rules column resizing issue.
 ▸ Fix: Icon in listbox display issue in Retina/Hi-Dpi screens.

iCash 7.6.2 (January 16, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Cancelling the creation of a new account when entering transactions return the focus to the related field.
 ▸ The application no longer displays Update Plan expiration alerts when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Maxprog server will no longer send Update Plan expiration notifications when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Fix: Currency update from the internet now works again.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when entering a new payee when part has been autocompleted with wrong case.

iCash 7.6.1 (June 15, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to display the '+' sign on all positive amounts, new preference setting.
 ▸ The application now asks user for creating new accounts when entering transactions.
 ▸ 'About app' window last line has a hidden contextual menu with info, registration, unregistration and setting reset options.
 ▸ The Bank Statement import preview now identifies with a red background the entries with default values (not processed by a rule).
 ▸ When browsing thru the Bank Statement import file records, matching rule gets selected automatically in the rule list (if any).
 ▸ The Bank Statement import data column viewer now displays tooltips so we can see all the text.
 ▸ Transaction entry debit account pull-down list order has been restored, bank is again listed first.
 ▸ The Bank Statement import preview now uses better coloring for the transaction amounts.
 ▸ The Bank Statement rule editor now capitalizes the comment part according to capitalization settings.
 ▸ Fix: Duplicate/Transfer window crash on Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Add Now window crash on Windows (when called from scheduler).
 ▸ Fix: Hi-DPI picture issue on Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Red color for scheduled transactions has been restored in the Account Statement report.
 ▸ Fix: Bank Statement import issue with rules when comment includes given characters like comma, colon, semicolon, pipeline, etc.
 ▸ Fix: The Bank statement import uppercase option now only affects first character, others are lowercased.

iCash 7.6 (January 17, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ iCash now supports Hi-DPI/Retina screen mode.
 ▸ All toolbar and control buttons have been replaced by Hi-DPI/Retina grey icons.
 ▸ All icons and pictures used by the application have been redesigned to be Hi-DPI/Retina.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when using the 'File > Print' and 'File > Page Setup' menus on macOS 10.12 (Sierra).
 ▸ Fix: Documents not recognizing iCash as the appropriate viewer/editor.
 ▸ Fix: Startup folder not expanding automatically after closing the document with it expanded.
 ▸ Fix: Calendars not showing previous year last month when going backward.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction comment field text is no longer deleted when moving the cursor and adding new text.
 ▸ Fix: Statistics panel aesthetic small fixes.

iCash 7.5.9 (October 12, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Issue with multiple transaction editor not showing the comboboxes menus.
 ▸ Fix: Return key not handled properly in Comment and Project fields.
 ▸ Fix: Totals not visible next to 'Transaction' when selecting several transactions.
 ▸ Fix: Key shortcuts using the shift key no longer blocked by transaction input fields.
 ▸ Fix: Payee, comment and project fields no longer deleted when going thru fields.
 ▸ Fix: Switching panels no longer reset the transaction entry panel.

iCash 7.5.8 (June 16, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ When selecting several transactions the input panel is now reseted and cleared.
 ▸ When on the transaction input day field and pressing the space bar, the focus is now moved to the amount field.
 ▸ The transaction amount field now responds to the up and down arrows to navigate thru last transactions.
 ▸ The transaction input day field no longer supports the Ctrl+space/Cmd+Space shortcut. Feature moved the the amount field.
 ▸ When changing the working account on the top-left of the transaction panel, the input fields are now reseted and cleared.
 ▸ The transaction comment field menu now includes previously used comments for same accounts and payee.
 ▸ By right-clicking on the transaction comment field right menu arrow, you now get previously used comments for same accounts ignoring the payee.
 ▸ The 'Edit > Select All' menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A) when on the Transaction list is now instantaneous.
 ▸ The 'Edit > Select All' menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A) when on the Queries list is now instantaneous.
 ▸ Fix: Document window height was limited to available height minus 100 pixels.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction type, origin account and target account comment lines now display the '&' character properly when present.
 ▸ Fix: Difficulties when trying to select part of the text inside combo boxes in the transaction input panel.
 ▸ Fix: All combo boxes now respond properly to the 'Edit > Select All' menu (Ctrl-A/CMD-A).
 ▸ Fix: Tracking number not incremented when inputing a transaction by payee and autocompletion.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction payee field now properly autocompletes even when typing accentuated characters.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction bulk edition window payee field now properly autocompletes.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes.
 ▸ Fix: A space character added by the system after selecting a transaction, double-clicking on the amount field and entering a new number.
 ▸ Fix: Combo boxes still showing previous menu choices even when all the text has been deleted.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction input combo field menus not displaying the '&' characters properly when present.
 ▸ Fix: When a transaction completes, the comment field not always set to the last used comment for same accounts and payee.
 ▸ Fix: Project not set from favorites on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Budget type and category totals on list multiplied by 12 when comparing with a period smaller than a year.
 ▸ Fix: Budget type and category totals reseted to yearly when comparison has been deactivated.
 ▸ Fix: Scheduler adding 1 more transaction when selecting a given number of transactions.
 ▸ Fix: Scheduler displaying wrong 'Last Transaction' when scheduling by number.
 ▸ Fix: Scheduler displaying wrong 'Next Transaction' when scheduling by number and opening a saved entry.
 ▸ Fix: Formatting display problem on the Overview panel when mixing currencies and changing format for default currency.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes on MS Windows version.

iCash 7.5.7 (April 14, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ The transaction status bar now also displays separate debit and credit info for scheduled transactions.
 ▸ The Import from a Bank Statement window now allows you to change the input text capitalization.
 ▸ The Account Statement report now includes tracking numbers along with transaction comments.
 ▸ The P&L General Ledger report now includes tracking numbers along with transaction comments.
 ▸ Status bar indexes are now saved and restored for each document.
 ▸ The Account Statement and P&L General Ledger screen and printout reports now have better column widths.
 ▸ Fix: The document opening progress dialog is now updated properly.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction edition window now works properly on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: When selecting a favorite, the comment and project are now properly set (MS Windows).
 ▸ Fix: Problem when right clicking on Comment field arrow, entry not added when selected on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes.

iCash 7.5.6 (February 17, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ The Payee field can also be used at a starting point for transaction autocompletion.
 ▸ The Windows installer is now signed with a sha-256 certificate for Windows 10 compatibility.
 ▸ The data checking tool is now faster and much more responsive.
 ▸ The budget list now scrolls with no lags, values updating has been optimized.
 ▸ Fix: Duplicate, Transfer and Split menu not working on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when splitting a reconciled transaction causing balance error.
 ▸ Fix: Empty project now set properly when splitting a transaction.
 ▸ Fix: Export to XLS, TXT and HTML no longer causes a system wrong extension alert on Mac OS.

iCash 7.5.5 (January 13, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ Transaction input field autocomplete has been restored to work in a similar way as in v7.5.3 with several important enhancements.
 ▸ Access to recent transactions from given input fields pressing the command and left arrow keys (Control key on Windows).
 ▸ Access to matching transactions from given input fields pressing the command and right arrow keys (Control key on Windows).
 ▸ Access to transaction favorites from given input fields pressing the command and up arrow keys (Control key on Windows).
 ▸ Transactions full autocompletion from the Day field pressing the Space bar or command-Space to go back (Control key on Windows).
 ▸ Fix: Problem with transaction autocomplete in given occasions affecting the Payee, amount and comment.
 ▸ Fix: Problem in Split window when entering numbers after the decimal separator.
 ▸ Fix: Problem in batch Transaction Edition window with the amount field.
 ▸ Fix: Problem in Scheduled Transaction Edition window with the amount field.
 ▸ Fix: Problem in Favorite Edition window with the amount field.
 ▸ Fix: Performance problem when browsing thru panels.
 ▸ Fix: Old files no longer cause windows to open with the toolbar hidden below the menu bar.

iCash 7.5.4 (November 19, 2015)
What's new:
 ▸ Groups/Splits now indicate if they contain attachments with a Clip icon.
 ▸ The 'Last Transactions' window you get in the transaction panel now is bigger and includes the date.
 ▸ A new 'Help > What's new' menu let's the user read the version history from newer to older.
 ▸ After transactions are duplicated or transferred, duplicated/transferred transactions are now selected.
 ▸ Old fashioned buttons have been updated to match current system interface design.
 ▸ The transaction amount field now has a contextual menu from where numbers can be pasted from the clipboard.
 ▸ The password verification window now shakes when the password is wrong (Mac only).
 ▸ You can now use up and down arrows directly inside the tracking number field.
 ▸ The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
 ▸ When the scheduler adds a transaction the tax type is now set to the destination account tax type if tax is 0.
 ▸ The transaction panel now uses combo boxes controls instead of the combination of text field and pull-down menus.
 ▸ The transaction edition window now uses combo boxes controls instead of the combination of text field and pull-down menus.
 ▸ The number of comments is no longer limited in the transaction panel.
 ▸ The number of comments in the transaction favorites editor is no longer limited to 15 but 50.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when using the 'Import from an Account Statement' window on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Aesthetics glitches on the 'Import from an Account Statement' window on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Payment Summary report issue when selecting all payees and a given project.
 ▸ Fix: Several menus related to attachments are no longer active for groups and multiple selections.

iCash 7.5.3 (March 18, 2015)
What's new:
 ▸ Preference Window: pressing the ALT, CMD or CTRL key when clicking on the Factory default button will fully reset the document settings.
 ▸ Amounts entered in the budget Expense and Liability parts are automatically converted into negative numbers, '+' will force positive.
 ▸ You can now sort transactions by tracking numbers pressing the command, option or Control key when clicking on the column header.
 ▸ 'Interval' column renamed 'Period' in the Budget panel.
 ▸ In queries, when expanding a group/split, transactions not belonging to the search are now displayed grayed.
 ▸ In queries, transactions not belonging to the search are no longer added to the totals.
 ▸ Groups/Splits are now displayed in bold everywhere.
 ▸ Fix: Software freezing when calculating a budget in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: When duplicating a transaction more than once, new data not taken into account.
 ▸ Fix: Several alert and error windows did not have all buttons correctly localized.
 ▸ Fix: Pressing the ALT, CMD or CTRL key when opening a document will reset the document settings.
 ▸ Fix: Expense budget to balance difference now use colors less confusing.
 ▸ Fix: Statistics 'All types > All categories > By Category' returning empty results.
 ▸ Fix: Budget calculation sometimes wrong when comparing with a quarter period.
 ▸ Fix: Query export sometimes missing transactions when grouped.

iCash 7.5.2 (November 12, 2014)
What's new:
 ▸ List cell height restored to previous value when using default font.
 ▸ The Import from a Bank Statement comment in the Preview list is now editable.
 ▸ In the Import from a Bank Statement window, when adding a new rule and a record is selected, comment is automatically entered.
 ▸ In the Import from a Bank Statement window, total file record is now visible along with current record.
 ▸ The records that are handled by any of the available rules are now identified as long as errors.
 ▸ In the Import from a Bank Statement window, you can now set different target accounts for incomes and expenses.
 ▸ New navigation buttons added to the Import from a Bank Statement window.
 ▸ New Tools button added to the Import from a Bank Statement window with Find and Go To record options.
 ▸ Fix: The Import from a bank statement window minimum size has been reduced to fit MacBook screens.
 ▸ Fix: The Import from a bank statement preview now uses proper colors for transaction amounts.
 ▸ Fix: Transaction Day entry now correctly set if last day of month and month or year is changed.
 ▸ Fix: Project name was not properly escaped in a couple of queries.
 ▸ Fix: Localization corrections.
 ▸ Fix: Quarters and semesters years not correct on charts for given fiscal year settings.
 ▸ Fix: Yosemite (10.10) small fixes.

iCash 7.5.1 (November 20, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Single transaction duplication window now includes editable data of that transaction.
 ▸ The Query panel now allows to find transactions with attachments.
 ▸ Size 14 added to list and control preferences.
 ▸ It is now possible to renumber transactions (tracking number).
 ▸ Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly spending limit added to expense account (similar to bank overdraft limit).
 ▸ Fix: The transaction comment auto-complete gets deactivated after pressing the delete key.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction payee auto-complete gets deactivated after pressing the delete key.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction comment pull-down menu is now sorted by date (as before 7.5).
 ▸ Fix: The transaction fields are now cleared after editing a transaction.
 ▸ Fix: Pasted styles introduced in the transaction editor are now reformatted when tabbing thru controls.
 ▸ Fix: Several key combinations now work properly in the transaction editor.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes regarding setting window fonts.
 ▸ Fix: File Manager locks on Maverick (10.9) on activation if containing lot of files.
 ▸ Fix: Russian localization fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Small Maverick (10.9) fixes.

iCash 7.5 (July 9, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Transaction lists columns are now resizable everywhere.
 ▸ Fix: Current transaction amount is now displayed when accessing the iCash calculator.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction comment pull-down menus are now sorted alphabetically.
 ▸ Fix: Tracking number no longer blank when selecting a transaction thru the Payee link.
 ▸ Fix: It is now possible to double-click and select words in all transaction fields.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction comment auto-complete now works as expected.
 ▸ Fix: The transaction status line is now properly resized when the window is resized.
 ▸ Fix: Comment color set to black when selecting a comment from the comment pull-down menu.
 ▸ Fix: Project color set to black when selecting a project from the project pull-down menu.

iCash 7.4.9 (January 15, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Lowest transaction date has been changed from 1980 to 1970.
 ▸ Fix: 'By category' Statistics are now working again.
 ▸ Fix: 'By category' Statistics column headers fix.
 ▸ Fix: Transaction sorting by date failure in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when computing the query/find total when multiple currencies.
 ▸ Fix: Query result 'Select All' now also show the selection total.
 ▸ Fix: Query 'Into' account pull-down menu displaying deactivated accounts.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetics fixes.

iCash 7.4.8 (October 26, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Budget list is now sorted alphabetically.
 ▸ Fix: Budget semiannually payment calculation is now accurate for custom dates ranges.
 ▸ Fix: In the transaction panel, transactions sorted by date are now also sorted by record number.
 ▸ Fix: Groups/Splits not properly sorted in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Several Mountain Lion fixes.

iCash 7.4.7 (June 5, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ The Overview panel now offers the possibility to show the current Quarter, the last Quarter or a given Quarter.
 ▸ The P&L and Money Flow summary reports now offer the possibility to show the same Semester, Quarter or Month over the years.
 ▸ The Balance report now offers the possibility to show the balance for the same Semester, Quarter or Month over the years.
 ▸ The P&L, Money Flow, Account Statement, Payment Summary and Taxes reports can now be done for a given quarter.
 ▸ The chart panel now offers the possibility to show the same Semester, Quarter or Month over the years.
 ▸ The statistics panel now offers the possibility to show the same Semester, Quarter or Month over the years.
 ▸ The Query panel now includes 'Current Quarter', 'Last Quarter' and Q1 to Q4 as choices for the Query date range.
 ▸ The Query panel 'Undefined' and 'Custom range' choices have been moved to the top of the list.
 ▸ 'Payee' choice added to the 'Where' pull-down menu for the Balance Sheet, P&L statement/summary, Money Flow Statement/Summary reports.
 ▸ The query panel now allows to search checks by number.
 ▸ The SQL Query window now allows to save the results of SELECT queries.
 ▸ The budget panel now includes new comparison periods, Current Quarter, Last Quarter, 1º, 2º, 3º and 4º Quarters.
 ▸ The budget panel now includes new calculation periods, Current Quarter, Last Quarter, 1º, 2º, 3º and 4º Quarters, January, February...
 ▸ A progress bar is now displayed when creating reports.
 ▸ When a payee is selected and the 'Edit' menu is chosen from the payee pull-down menu, the payee record is displayed.
 ▸ Fix: Budget summary totals not properly computed (issue introduced in v7.4.6)
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes and enhancements to Import and Export preset handling.

iCash 7.4.6 (April 17, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to export transactions, accounts, categories and contacts to XML files.
 ▸ It is now possible to import transactions, accounts, categories and contacts from XML files created by iCash.
 ▸ It is now possible to copy and paste transactions between months inside the same document or between different documents.
 ▸ It is now possible to cut and paste transactions between months.
 ▸ Tax summary report showing both collected and refundable taxes along with he difference between them.
 ▸ The transaction status information now displays the scheduled transaction total for selected month.
 ▸ By clicking on the transaction status information it is now possible to see the reconciled & unreconciled transaction total.
 ▸ It is now possible to create a SQL dump file of a document and recreate it with that file (similar to XML dump).
 ▸ The tax report now display a column with the tax rates.
 ▸ The SQL Query window now displays related data when pointers to other tables and also now displays boolean and doubles properly.
 ▸ The unreconciled total in the main status bar is now preceded by the word 'Pending' rather than displayed in parenthesis.
 ▸ Simplification of the 'File > Import' menu, now it displays the same window as when clicking on the 'Import' button.
 ▸ Simplification of the 'File > Export' menu, now it displays the same window as when clicking on the 'Export' button for transactions.
 ▸ iCash File manager has been renamed 'iCash's File Manager' to allow the user to identify the application the window belongs to.
 ▸ PowerPC support has been dropped. The application is now Intel Only. As result the application size has been reduced by half.
 ▸ Fix: Scheduled transactions no longer displayed when selecting reconciled transactions in the account statement.
 ▸ Fix: Only unreconciled transaction displayed when selecting unreconciled transactions in the account statement.
 ▸ Fix: Profit and loss summary now properly calculates the average values for fiscal years not starting on january.
 ▸ Fix: General status incomes/expense displaying wrong values for fiscal years not starting on january.
 ▸ Fix: Selecting all in the query panel with lots of transactions is now faster.
 ▸ Fix: iCash File Manager no longer gets confused when the user trash a document from the system file manager and reactivate iCash.
 ▸ Fix: Tax records are now copied when creating a document based on a previous iCash document.
 ▸ Fix: Budget comments are now copied when duplicating a budget.
 ▸ Fix: Budget comments and scheduler extended parameters are now copied when creating a new file using a previous iCash document.
 ▸ Fix: Budget amounts are now properly calculated for custom date ranges.
 ▸ Fix: Budget Summary is now properly calculated for custom date ranges.
 ▸ Fix: The File Manager is now displayed when double-clicking on the application Finder icon or clicking on the Dock icon (Mac Only).
 ▸ Fix: Export persistent preset is now different depending on the export type.

iCash 7.4.5 (March 20, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ All the Import and Export window settings are now persistent during the whole session.
 ▸ It is now possible to fully select the accounts to be used to calculate the full balance in title.
 ▸ The Export window now has a 'Clear' button to reset the field selection.
 ▸ The Account Statement report now allows you to show only the reconciled or unreconciled transactions.
 ▸ The budget now displays OK/KO icons on the right where the budget is matched depending on the selected range.
 ▸ It is now possible to add comments to each budget line.
 ▸ The multiple transaction editor window now allows you to append text to existing comments.
 ▸ New 'Transaction > Add Text To Comment' menu allowing you to append text to existing comments.
 ▸ The maximum iCash document size has been increased from 2 Gb to 64Gb. As a drawback, initial files are now bigger.
 ▸ The Budget export now includes all the columns.
 ▸ Fix: Account statement no longer takes next month scheduled transaction into account in totals.
 ▸ Fix: default month and year in the transaction panel is now set by document rather than the application.
 ▸ Fix: Documents with a size over 1 Gb now show a size in Gb in the file manager.
 ▸ Fix: Budget now displays the values depending of the comparison range instead of the fixed yearly range.
 ▸ Fix: Budget income color when superior to selected range is now blue rather than red.
 ▸ Fix: Budget category and type calculations not refreshed on screen after editing amounts in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Budget status line not updated after editing an account in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Budget export no longer output numbers with currency symbols.

iCash 7.4.4 (February 14, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Pressing the Delete key when selecting and account or category in the overview will delete it if not used.
 ▸ Selecting a budget and expanding/collapsing folders is now much faster.
 ▸ Fix: Entering a heading 'e' in the project field no longer triggers the project editor.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Several budget fixes.
 ▸ Fix: The application no longer crashes after creating a backup.
 ▸ Fix: Budget calculations are done even on collapsed folders.
 ▸ Fix: Budget categories folder status are now saved and restored properly.
 ▸ Fix: Calculator paste button now takes the number that is visible instead of the internal calculation.
 ▸ Fix: Account statement no longer show next month scheduled transaction when selecting a month.
 ▸ Fix: Updating a transaction tracking number to an empty string is now properly displayed on list.
 ▸ Fix: The Transaction panel Bank pull-down menu now longer change selection when adding bank accounts from other pull-down menus.

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Note that we prefer not to talk about products that don't officially exist or features that have not been implemented yet except to our Alpha and Beta testers. A product or feature officially exists once it has been advertised on this site. That includes new products, products ported to new platforms, new relevant features and upcoming updates. A new product or feature is somewhat secret until release because we do not want you to feel cheated or disappointed. Indeed we may fail or fall behind schedule due to unforeseen difficulties.

We always listen to our customers thru the comments added to this page, we take note of absolutely all feature requests and bug reports. We may give an opinion but that's all, we very rarely engage ourselves to develop stuff on demand or deliver regular updates.

We also maintain a Log Book with public information about ongoing projects and feature developments waiting for your comments.

Recent questions from our iCash users
  Why the iCash transaction amount column has disappeared UPDATED Screenshot
  How to create new projects in iCash Screenshot
  How to add transactions to iCash faster YouTube Video
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  Cambiar de macOS a Windows

iCash is a software intended to control your personal finance, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. As simple as creating the accounts you need and move money between them! You don't even need to know about accounting or even care about it! Your finances depends largely on good organization that lets you know where your money comes from and to where it goes.

iCash is an easy-to-use, full featured and multi-purpose Personal Finance Manager tool for macOS and Windows intended to help you control all kinds of money issues. iCash can serve several small accounting needs for either private users, or clubs, associations, self-employed, small businesses or simply to be used at home, making keeping track of incomes, expenses and Banks transactions a snap.

With a few clicks you can begin creating accounts and making transactions in minutes. iCash is versatil and user-friendly. For this reason it doesn't use the principle of double-entry bookkeeping making it much easier to be used by people with very little or no accounting knowledge at all.

Simply create accounts for all your expenses, incomes, Banks... and start moving money between them! iCash will then allow you to find out where all your money comes from and where it goes. All accounts are well organized according to user-defined categories and built-in types so reports can be tailored to include all records or only ones meeting specified criteria.

Cash also allows you to have as many money manager documents as necessary so you can control almost anything from Clubs, associations, home and so on at the same time.

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