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MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.4 (September 12, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ OpenAI / chatGTP support for composing, rewriting, correcting and translating messages.
 ▸ Possibility to insert an image by URL thru a tag: {Insert Image: url, alignment, link, max-width, width, height}
 ▸ Recipient list date fields can now be sorted properly even when using formats like 'November 9, 2022'.
 ▸ The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.
 ▸ The RSS tag for picture now work with more html tag variations.
 ▸ New [Message Subject] tag in order to insert the current message subject.
 ▸ It is now possible to set the HTML editor text size.
 ▸ The recipient panel now also display the recipient selection count.
 ▸ MLM now works both on PHP 7.x.x and PHP 8.x.x
 ▸ The RSS tag for picture now center the image and set a maximum width.
 ▸ The HTML editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 14.
 ▸ The Styled Text editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 18.
 ▸ Fix: Issues when trying to upload a list to MLM.
 ▸ Fix: MySQL import issues in given situations.
 ▸ Fix: When using a remote list and checking/unchecking a recipient, the 'save' button no longer get enabled. Nothing to save here.
 ▸ Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Paste' menu now works again for pasting recipients between lists. The 'Edit ▸ Paste Special' menu is recommended though.
 ▸ Fix: It is no longer possible to paste multiple lines of text to the Subject field. Only the first line is kept.
 ▸ Fix: The Import Remote preset not saving the field list with ordering and checking.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when dropping an HTML file to the HTML editor.
 ▸ Fix: The undo function has been enhanced in order to support the Styled Text to Plain Text command.

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