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eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.9.0 (September 16, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Now click the good, bad, and duplicate icons to open the corresponding result files.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.9 (March 14, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Overall speed optimizations.
 ▸ Fix: Several aesthetic fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.8 (September 12, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Rule editor wildcard not working with the 'equal to' condition.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.7 (October 17, 2022)
What's new:
 ▸ The rules editor now supports wildcards.
 ▸ Better extraction internalization.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Several important enhancements have been made to the extraction engine.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.6 (January 10, 2022)
What's new:
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Several macOS Monterey related minor fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Several MS Windows 11 related minor fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.4 (June 8, 2021)
What's new:
 ▸ macOS version of the application is now available as Universal Binary (Intel+ARM).
 ▸ The progress control has been replaced with a colorful donut with all results ratios.
 ▸ Unix Mbox '.mbox' and '.mbx file format support (https://fileinfo.com/extension/mbox).
 ▸ Apple Mail / Microsoft Outlook '.eml' and '.emlx' file format support (https://fileinfo.com/extension/eml).
 ▸ SQL '.sql' file format support (https://fileinfo.com/extension/sql).
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ The software main window can now be resized vertically.
 ▸ Fix: Progress will always display values up to 100% even on very small extractions.
 ▸ Fix: Built-in support system was broken because of online form captcha and new security measures.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8.1 (December 11, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ The extraction window now displays a big radial progress bar.
 ▸ It is now possible to rate and review the application.
 ▸ The valid results counter now displays the exact number of addresses saved to the output file.
 ▸ Fix: Several progress calculations fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Several aesthetics fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Window no longer placed on top after a file drop on MS Window.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.8 (October 9, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ Better and more effective canceling procedure.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes related to saving results and permissions.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.9 (September 30, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ Possibility to select files and folders from main screen in addition to drag and drop.
 ▸ Possibility to select multiple files and folders from the main 'File - Open' menu.
 ▸ MacOS Disk image now comes signed and notarized by Apple in order to pass through Catalina Gatekeeper checks.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.6 (April 15, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ The interface has been redesigned and simplified.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.5 (November 21, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Updated Excel handler with fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ Updated PDF handler with fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Get license info, Register and Unregister.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to see the User License Agreement.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Reset the app settings to factory default.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Copy the current serial.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Renew the Update Plan.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.4 (September 12, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Updated Excel handler with fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ Updated PDF handler with fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ The MS Windows version is now available as 32bit and 64bit.
 ▸ Fix: Interface flickering has been fixed on the MS Windows version.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.3 (March 6, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ The macOS version is now 64bit.
 ▸ Updated Excel handler with fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ Updated PDF handler with fixes and enhancements.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.2 (January 16, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Improved compatibility with Excel 2016 (xlsx) files. New Excel importer with lots of fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ Improved compatibility with PDF files. New updated PDF reader with lots of fixes and enhancements.
 ▸ The preference window has been redesigned.
 ▸ The application no longer displays Update Plan expiration alerts when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Maxprog server will no longer send Update Plan expiration notifications when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Fix: Possible memory leaks when loading given files in the xlsx format.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when loading given xls files.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7.1 (June 15, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ 'About app' window last line has a hidden contextual menu with info, registration, unregistration and setting reset options.
 ▸ The main window now has a 'Settings' button to access the application preferences.
 ▸ The preference 'Rules' panel has been redesigned.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.7 (January 17, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ eMail Extractor now supports Hi-DPI/Retina screen mode.
 ▸ All buttons have been replaced by Hi-DPI/Retina grey icons.
 ▸ Fix: The extractor thread manager no longer stall after processing large amount of files.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.9 (October 19, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ Manual is now available online thru the 'Help > eMail Extractor Help' menu.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.8 (September 20, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ eMail Extractor now can read and process UTF16LE encoded files.
 ▸ The PDF processor has been updated to support more document types and sizes.
 ▸ The XLS/x and DOC/x processors have been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Problem with demo not showing demo window.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.7 (June 16, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ A new 'Help > What's new' menu let's the user read the version history from newer to older.
 ▸ AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated during deliveries (Mac Only).
 ▸ AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated when loading/importing/exporting/processing lists. (Mac Only).
 ▸ Main window position is now saved and restored on Mac OS like on MS Windows.
 ▸ Main window is now moved to front when dropping a URL from a browser.
 ▸ The PDF reader and processor has been enhanced to be compatible with more type of documents.
 ▸ The MS Word and MS Excel document readers and processors have been updated to better support docx and xlsx documents.
 ▸ The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
 ▸ eMail Extractor now uses new high resolution application icon.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.6 (November 20, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: RTF reader crash.
 ▸ Fix: RTF reader failure reading given files.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.5 (July 2, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: RTF reader crash. Fix: RTF reader failure reading given files.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.4 (April 17, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to delete entries from the file list box.
 ▸ Fix: RTF reader fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.3 (February 14, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Display of results in list not updated in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: The software crashing on given occasions.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.2 (January 15, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Several Mountain Lion fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetic fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6.1 (October 10, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: It is again possible to process large files (broken in 3.6).
 ▸ Fix: The app no longer stalls on given PDF documents.
 ▸ Fix: Some localization fixes.
 ▸ Fix: Several Mountain Lion fixes.

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.6 (July 26, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Support for extraction from MS Word 'doc' and 'docx' documents.
 ▸ Support for extraction from Open Office 'odt' documents.
 ▸ Support for extraction from MS Excel 'xls' and 'xlsx' documents.
 ▸ PDF files are no longer processed as raw data, the file contents are now rendered first.
 ▸ RTF files are no longer processed as raw data, the file contents are now rendered first.
 ▸ It is now possible exclude files from processing by using the preference exclusion list.
 ▸ The tool no longer processes files that by format or extension are not suitable to contain email addresses.
 ▸ The HTML non-breaking space code ' ' is now removed from text prior processing.
 ▸ PowerPC support has been dropped. The application is now Intel Only. As a result the application size has been reduced by half.
 ▸ Fix: A new window is now opened when double-clicking on the application Finder icon or clicking on the Dock icon (Mac Only).

eMail Extractor
eMail Extractor 3.5.1 (February 14, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: eMail Extractor now works properly with Lion in Japanese.

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Note that we prefer not to talk about products that don't officially exist or features that have not been implemented yet except to our Alpha and Beta testers. A product or feature officially exists once it has been advertised on this site. That includes new products, products ported to new platforms, new relevant features and upcoming updates. A new product or feature is somewhat secret until release because we do not want you to feel cheated or disappointed. Indeed we may fail or fall behind schedule due to unforeseen difficulties.

We always listen to our customers thru the comments added to this page, we take note of absolutely all feature requests and bug reports. We may give an opinion but that's all, we very rarely engage ourselves to develop stuff on demand or deliver regular updates.

We also maintain a Log Book with public information about ongoing projects and feature developments waiting for your comments.

Recent questions from our eMail Extractor users
  About eMail Extractor privacy Screenshot
  eMail Extractor not working properly on my computer
  Result file takes long to appear
  eMail Extractor y mensajes en Outlook
  I have misplaced my activation key for eMail Extractor
  The program found no email addresses
  Deal of the day is not applied

eMail extractor is a very powerful and reliable tool to recover your customers e-mail addresses from your mailbox or contact files. eMail extractor is very fast, easy to use and multithreaded. eMail extractor retrieves absolutely all valid e-mail addresses from your files and generates an output file with only good and well formatted e-mails without duplicates.

eMail Extractor is perfect for building your customer e-mails list using your mailbox files.

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