Major Bug with unsubscribe link


Staff member
I have tried this and all links work for me. And I don't see and unsubscribe code :-/

when I look at the message in Maxbulkmailer, the unsubscribe tag is visible (in the Message Tab) - but when I look at "View Source" in the preview tag, I do not see it.

- when I mail this HTML-only from Maxbulkmailer 8.5.1 from my desktop as UTF-8 OR ISO-8851 the recipients gets a blank message.

-when I mail this HTML-only from Maxbulkmailer 4.9.1 from my laptop as UTF-8 recipients the full message with working links, though the unsubscribe word says "hier" instead of "unsubscribe"

Any suggestions how I could get vs. 8.5.1 to work on my desktop ?
and one more addition: The unsubscribe link SHOW up in Maxbulkmailer 4.9.1. on my laptop under the "view source" under the eye icon in Previer:

If you are interested in hearing about our apps, please subscribe to our <a href="">newsletter</a>.
<br>If you do not wish to be contacted by us, please click here <a href="">hier</a>.<br>
<strong>Our mailing address ist</strong><br>......


Staff member
Can you post the HTML code you are using in the message field and the text you use for the Unsubscribe tag? (that text is the MaxBulk Mailer preferences, 'Tags' panel). By the way have you tried to change that text? Rewrite it? Remove it?
Attached is the html code of the message field (zippen)

I tried changing the unsubscribe text - in the Maxbulkmailer preferences on both Laptop (Maxbulkmailer 8.4.9) and Desktop (Maxbulkmailer 8.5.1)
and sent the below attached mail to myself:

- Laptop (Maxbulkmailer 8.4.9) sending, changing the text, worked fine - mails arrived as they should.

- on Desktop (Maxbulkmailer 8.5.1) mails go out empty. changing the unsubscribe text in preferences, deleting the text, had no effect. mails still went arrived blank.


Staff member
Have you tried to delete the MaxBulk Mailer preferences? It is '~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/MaxBulk Mailer/Preferences
You can move it to your desktop rather than deleting it. Then you will have to input the MLM settings again.
I removed the preferences file as you described, then entered the mlm information again in the Maxbulkmailer settings.
Using Maxbulkmailer 8.5.1 on an imac running OsX Yosemite 10.10.5:

- I sent the (previously attached here) html mail again (with unsubscribe tag) : the message arrived without content

- I deleted the unsubscribe tag and sent the (previously attached here) html mail again : the message arrived correctly formatted, links in the html mail worked as expected, tracking worked perfectly, too.

Any Idea I can get the unsubscribe to work ?
Installed version 8.5.2 on iMac running osX 10.10.5 :

1. sending the html in question resulted in an blank mail for recipient

2- removing [Unsubscribe] from the Message resulted in the message being sent correctly.

3. I added [Unsubscribe] from the "Tags" pulldown menu in Message Tab; sending the mail resulted in a blank mail for the recipient


Staff member
Ok, so no improvement. Thanks for the testings. Have you tried to change your system language, just to launch MaxBulk Mailer, say, in english?


Staff member
Try the direct command then:

PATH_TO_MLM_HERE/lm.php?cmd=unsubscribe&list=[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]
Thanks Stan -

I tried the direct comand (but I guess I missed something, as the mails got out o.k but the unsubscribe liink did not work)

the path to MLM (copied from Bulkmailer prefs is :

the link as implemented in the message is :

If you do not wish to be contacted by us, please click <a href=[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]> here</a>.

though clicking the "here" link in the mail results in the message :

Error - You forgot to provide the email address parameter: &email=emailaddress

where did I go wrong ?



Staff member
In the preview panel, you can click on the 'Eye' icon and select to see the message sources with tags processed. Can you see the link with the data properly inserted? Or is there a problem?
when I look at the view source under the eye icon in preview :

- if using the unsubscribe tag [Unsubscribe] the unsubscribe link does not show.

- if I use a direct link
If you do not wish to be contacted by us, please click <a href=[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]> here</a>

I get the "Error - You forgot to provide the email address parameter: &email=emailaddress" message when I click on the link.


Staff member
Weird, the tags are not processed, you should get the data, not that tags. Is singly activated in the settings panel? Are the tags properly spelled? As the one built-into the software?
Yes, the tags where selected from the software, (pull-down menu) , and singly is activated.

Just tested this:

I downloaded Bulkmailer 8.4.6 from your site and sent the exact same html mail with it - it all works flawlessly .

The same mail sent with Version 8.5.1. arrives empty.

best regards,


Staff member
Yes, I know that, 3 people in total have the same problem but no clues, as a programmer I don't know where to look at. The problem is that I have never been able to reproduce the problem. It is almost impossible to fix something if you can't reproduce the error :-(


Hi Stan,

all works well with any version up to 8.5. So the reason must be somewhere between 8.5. and 8.5.1
I just downgraded my machine, and my problem is solved, and we will avoid any upgrade.




Staff member
Ok but unfortunately between 8.5. and 8.5.1 we switched from Carbon libraries to Cocoa, a change we can't avoid. And the problem affects 3 people out of several thousands. I have never been able to reproduce the problem myself. When a developer can reproduce a problem a fix is question of a few minutes. I am still trying to figure out what can cause that... :? I thought even maybe it could be because of the default font, the font you set as default in MaxBulk Mailer preferences... It would have been interesting to see if changing that font fixes the problem.