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Web Dumper™ | macOS 与 Windows 的网页抓取工具

Web Dumper™

macOS 与 Windows 的网页抓取工具

Compatible with MS Windows Compatible with MacOS
English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Nederlands Português Svenska 日本語 Русский [ 简体中文 ] 繁體中文

   Currency  34.95

New paragraph 如果你看到喜欢的网站而想复制一份到你的硬盘上.你必须人手保存每一个网页,而且还包含图片、音频和其他.这是一个非常漫长且麻烦的过程.更多情况下还更糟糕.你不必这样做,Web Dumper让你整个过程变得容易快速.

New paragraph 使用Web Dumper你可以将整个网站下载到你的硬盘上供你以后浏览.保持原有的目录结构.Web Dumper自动下载HTML文档嵌入图片,音频,视频和其他.保持连接到其他的文档.

New paragraph Web Dumper 让你从60种标准文件类型中选择你想下载的文件类型,文件夹深度,如何处理连接和重新连接.

New paragraph 此外Web Dumper支持增量下载.URL可以括号内使用数字范围.例如 http://www.maxprog.com/picture[12-15].jpg Web Dumper 将下载'picture12.jpg' 至 'picture15.jpg'.你可以插入更多的序号,例如 http://www.maxprog.com/test[1-2]/picture[001-002].jpg 由此将下载 文件夹'test1' 与 'test2' 的文件 'picture001.jpg' 与 'picture002.jpg'

New paragraph Web Dumper 有很多语言版本,英文,德文,法文,西班牙文,意大利文,荷兰,葡萄牙文,瑞典文,日文,俄文和韩文.

New paragraph Web Dumper的当前版本为3.4.6 (发布于2024-11-23). Web Dumper已经获得了18次好评,得分3.2星,总分5星!

今日优惠 - 以 34.95 $24.95 (-29%) 含税优惠购买Web Dumper。本次优惠将于后结束

   Currency  34.95

New paragraph 自动检测你使用的语言(如何为下列语言). 
New paragraph 用户定义多线程超时.
New paragraph 可选择带宽高速下载.
New paragraph 智能定义抓取引擎(包含跨网站).
New paragraph 超过60种标准文件类型过滤器.
New paragraph 重复文件剔除.
New paragraph 可定义深度搜索.
New paragraph 为离线浏览重新连接本地文档.
New paragraph 支持增量下载.
New paragraph 完善的HTTP错误和链接检查和处理.
New paragraph 下载文件细节监控.
New paragraph 支持密码保护网站的授权.
New paragraph 支持代理服务器.
New paragraph Mac OS与Windows原生版本.

Last releases

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Web Dumper
Web Dumper 3.4.6 (November 23, 2024)
.ashx file extensions added to map. The application now checks the received data content header to detect the content type when it is not clear. Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

Web Dumper
Better extraction internalization. The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.

Web Dumper
macOS version of the application is now available as Universal Binary (Intel+ARM). MacOS Disk image now comes signed and notarized by Apple in order to pass through Catalina Gatekeeper checks. It is now possible to rate and review the application. Fix: Built-in support system was broken because of online form captcha and new security measures. Fix: 301 forward fix. Fix: The version update system has been fixed, an issue was preventing the download to finish properly.

Web Dumper
SSL download (https) is now much faster and multi-threaded. New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Get license info, Register and Unregister. New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to see the User License Agreement. New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Reset the app settings to factory default. New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Copy the current serial. New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Renew the Update Plan. Fix: Status line now shows 'https://' rather than 'http://' for secure pages. Fix: URL list now shows 'https://' rather than 'http://' for secure pages. Fix: Connections setting is now saved and restored even for values greater than 10. Fix: Interface flickering has been fixed on the MS Windows version. Fix: List icon showing a black background on given occasions.

Web Dumper
The macOS version is now 64bit. Overall speed optimizations. Fix: Several aesthetic fixes.

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 How to download web images sequentially by name

Recent questions from our Web Dumper users
  How can I download files with sequential numbers in their name? YouTube Video
  What are your payment methods Screenshot
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  Using the List function
  Empty folder after download

If you are viewing a Web site with your browser and you decide that you would like to make a copy of it on your hard drive, you have to manually save each page as you view it along with embedded pictures, sounds and so on.

This can be a very long and tedious process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as Web Dumper makes this whole process very fast and easy. With Web Dumper you can download entire Websites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing.

Downloaded Web sites are saved on your hard drive with their directory structure intact. Web Dumper automatically downloads HTML documents along with their embedded pictures, sounds, movies and so on while it screens them to look for any enclosed links to other documents.

Web Dumper lets you select which kinds of file you want to be dumped between more than 60 available standard types, the folder depth level, how links must be processed and if it must re-link your HTML documents for offline browsing.

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