Update of icash not possible: "image not recognized"


New Member
I just started the update of icash by downloading the icash.dmg file to my desktop. On doubleclicking it to install the software I get the message "image nicht erkannt" (image not recognized). Is there an error in the downloaded file and will you correct it soon or have I done something wrong? ( I have used icash and clicked "search for update and when the download was offered I hit OK. Afterwards icash was closed by hitting OK again but when doubleclicking the dmg-file, the above problem occured)


  • Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-21 um 18.00.39.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-21 um 18.00.39.png
    17.6 KB · Views: 2


Staff member
Yes, you have to download from the site because the built-in downloader doesn't work well in 7.7.1 and older. The current 7.8 comes with a fix though.

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