New Statistics Not Being Created on the Server


Staff member
Have you talked with your server administrator? That looks like some kind of tight security setting. PHP or Apache security. The error you get is deep into the system. Believe me, if I had an answer I would tell you but I have heard of error -1005 with you. I had to search for information about it on Google.

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Can you give me the correct php string to replicate the query that MaxBulk Mailer makes to the SQL server when it creates a new set of stats for a new delivery so I can give this string to the server techs so they can try to replicate the error. They are not yet able to see any errors in the SQL logs or Apache logs just yet.


So, I'm sending out 3000 emails now. I've taken a screenshot of the stats window while the send is in process in case it helps.Screenshot 2020-02-28 at 12.34.16.png
As you can see the email addresses appear to be wrong.


Staff member
I am running out of ideas, the reason why I repeat the same question. :-/ ... Imagine, I developed MaxBulk Mailer and MLM, I have been giving support for 2 decades and I don't know why you have problems. There are 99.99% chances the issue comes from the server and I have no way to fix it. Security settings can have side effects, especially the MOD_SECURITY module.

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