

Staff member
I hope I fixed everything this time :-/ at least my files and your files are giving right results.


Hi Stan,
Just checked out the new version.
However the problem posed by me on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:54 am is still not fixed.
The budget still takes transfers to asset accounts as expense.
To validate you can check the same file which I posted on Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:04 am.
:cry: :cry:

Also the budgeted total is now incorrectly shown.


Staff member
Weird, I took your file for fixing that and now all works fine for me here. I don't see any problem right now. I see Expenses + Liabilities on one end and Incomes on the other properly summed. What budget total are you referring to?


For my post dated Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:54 am, highlighted field 3 still shows figure of 50 which should actually be 20.


Staff member
Yes but your file has an amount in the Liabilities. That amount is summed as well. It is what I saw on your file.


Yes you are correct.
But the question is weather transfer from a laibility (credit card) account to asset account (lending) should be considered as expense as done in budget?
I think it should not be done so.


To elaborate further, the budget function picks the outflows from origin account and If the origin account liability account (eg credit card) or bank or cash, then it is considered as expense. This may not always give the right picture as in the file attached earlier.
I suggest one way of doing it is to calculate the expenses from the target account type rather than origin account type.

What do u feel about it?


Staff member
By the way, I have fixed a problem in the summary, some entries were not summed properly, well, they were not summed at all.

Indeed, when the target account is an expense account, the transaction is an expense, it works that way in the whole iCash. Not sure I understand your suggestion, do you mean a transaction from a liability account to an expense account should not be an expense?


I meant transaction from liability to asset account should not be taken as expense.
I understand from your post that there was some calculation errors and assume it will be fixed in new version.



Staff member
I am waiting for Apple to release the new version on the Apple Store. Then I will release it on the maxprog site as well. Apple is slow as hell. We have been waiting for two weeks so far. I do it that way so the new version is available on both places at the very same time.


Hi Stan
Just checked out the new version.
Problem highlighted by me on Mon Mar 26, 2012, is still there in the new version. (Refer file posted by me on Tue Mar 27, 2012)


In my post dated Mon Mar 26, 2012, highlighted field 3 should be 20 and not 50.
However it is shown as 50.
You can verify the same on the file posted by me on Tue Mar 27, 2012.
1. Transaction of amount 20 is expense.
2. Transaction of amount 30 is not expense.
The budget function calculates both as expense.


If I am not able to communicate let me try this way.
In attached screenshot, why the data A i.e. 20 and data B i.e 50 be different.
Both are expense for a selected period and hence they must be same.
(Screenshot is from the same file posted earlier)