E-mail validation speed with eMail Verifier

eMail Verifier, as its name indicates, is a tool for checking single e-mail addresses or lists of e-mail addresses. E-mail validation speed with eMail Verifier may vary. Let’s see how we can go faster. The software performs a series of checks to validate every e-mail address including, a syntax check, an e-mail address domain check, and finally an e-mail address validity check with the server. All those checks take time to perform and sometimes a user may wonder how much time he will have to spend on this, especially when testing big lists. They can dramatically affect the overall validation …

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Comparing eMail Verifier to online solutions

Comparing eMail Verifier to online solutions – I created eMail Verifier, an E-mail Verification Software for macOS and MS Windows. I have been using and developing the tool for years. As a developer and also a user I was very worried about deleting valid emails. So I created a system that only flags bad emails, I mean when there are absolutely no doubts. If the tool is not 100% sure then the address is marked as ‘Looks Good’ or ‘Looks Bad’ and the user decides what to do. The software tries to clean the list its best but without taking …

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