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How to transfer FTP accounts between computers | Knowledge Base ▸ FTP Disk

How to transfer FTP accounts between computers

Knowledge Base ▸ FTP Disk

Compatible with MS Windows Compatible with MacOS

How to transfer FTP accounts between computers


Question: Is there a way to export the FTP accounts between the macOS and the Windows versions of FTP disk?

Thank you,

Answer: You can transfer all your FTP accounts from the macOS to the Windows version of FTP Disk and vice-versa. You just need to locate the FTP Disk 'Accounts' preference file on macOS, move it to a specific location on Windows, and rename it to 'Accounts.ini'.

On macOS the FTP Disk 'Accounts' file is located here:
~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/FTP Disk/Accounts

Note that if you bought the software at the App Store, you will find the Accounts file here:
~/Library/Containers/com.maxprog.app.ftpdisk/Data/Library/Application Support/Max Programming, S.L./FTP Disk/Preferences/Accounts

You can select the Finder 'Go ▸ Go to Folder...' menu and paste:
'~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/FTP Disk/Accounts' (without quotes)
or the equivalent path above if you use the App Store version of FTP Disk.

On Windows, the FTP Disk 'Accounts' file is located here:
C:\Users\your_account_name\AppData\Roaming\Maxprog\FTP Disk\Accounts.ini
The 'AppData' directory is invisible, so you must type it in the window path field.

How to transfer FTP accounts between computers

Recent questions from our FTP Disk users
  How to transfer FTP accounts between computers Screenshot

Update your web site as often as you like exactly as if you were copying files between folders on your computer! In order to maintain your Web site you surely need some kind of FTP software however not all the FTP tools available today seem to be designed with frequent uploading in mind.

Indeed, they are not always as handy as they could or should be. Actually, they all seem to copy each others. Updating files on your server can be a repetitive and boring process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth.

It doesn't have to be that way, however, as FTP Disk makes this whole process much more intuitive. With FTP Disk just drag and drop your files directly on a server in the list to get them uploaded to the selected path.

You can create as many servers as you need with different paths and initiate several uploads at the same time. Of course you can also log into servers as usual, navigate thru directories, create files and folders, download and upload files, modify text files with the built-in editor, preview pictures and change permissions.

FTP Disk not only offers a very handy and easy-to-use interface for managing servers, indeed it is also very easy to navigate thru directories. Thanks to the directory bar, a visual and interactive control that displays your current location, you can move to other directories with a single click of your mouse.

You can create favorite locations and jump to them at any time. Those favorites are available from the server panel so you can go directly to a directory when connecting to a server or upload files to it!

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