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Using eMail Bounce Handler

Knowledge Base ▸ eMail Bounce Handler

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Using eMail Bounce Handler


Question: I wanted to see which of my mails are bounced... but nothing in those options in this program... maybe you can suggest program which this can do?

I have list with mails from my site, so i want to detect which mails are bounced?


Answer: Usually you will use eMail Bounce Handler right after sending a message with MaxBulk Mailer or any other bulk mailer, this way:

1.- Shut down all mail applications (to avoid any of them to interfere).
2.- Verify your recipient e-mail list with eMail Verifier (optional).
3.- Launch MaxBulk Mailer and send your message.
4.- Wait until delivery is done.
5.- Launch eMail Bounce Handler.
6.- Set it to run every 15 minutes.
7.- Wait at least 60 to 120 minutes until eMail Bounce handler is finished.
8.- Save eMail Bounce Handler bounce addresses list (1).
9.- Rename the file to "DELETE" and drop it over your master list in MaxBulk. (2)

(1) Click on the 'Export' button (or select the 'File > Export As Text' menu) and in the Fields column select E-mail address and click on the arrow key to move that selection to the Export column. Click on Export and name the file DELETE.

(2) Make sure MaxBulk Mailer is open and the list that you want to update is selected, then drag your DELETE export file that you created in Email Bounce Handler and drop it over your master list in the MaxBulk Mailer window.

Note that you may use the same eMail Bounce Handler document several times, after each mail campaign. Once you reach a given number, say 10 mailings, you can choose to generate the DELETE list with all addresses that have bounced 10 times. That is to make sure you will never delete temporally down or over-quota addresses.

The use of eMail Verifier is totally optional yet that tool will reduce your bounce rate about 70 to 80%. Cleaning a list with eMail Verifier is explained here. It is actually recommended to clean your lists with eMail Verifier since a high bounce rate can flag your message as spam in given systems.

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eMail Bounce Handler is a bounce e-mail filtering and handling tool that recognizes bounce e-mails using a customizable set of rules and extracts the recipients addresses allowing you to use them again to try sending your mail or to take them off your list.

eMail Bounce Handler simply connects to your POP or IMAP mailbox in order to retrieve bounces letting any other message untouched.

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