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Message Formats - MaxBulk Mailer v7 User Guide | Bulk e-mail and mail-merge

Message Formats - MaxBulk Mailer v7 User Guide

Bulk e-mail and mail-merge

Compatible with MS Windows Compatible with MacOS

3.- Message formats

Depending on the type of message you are composing select the format that best suits your needs from Plain Text, Text/HTML, HTML only, Web Page and Styled Text. Each format is explained in details below.

Note: A comment header can be added to your message, whichever the format you have selected, by using the '<-- START -->' marker. Everything above that marker will be ignored.

New paragraph Plain Text
The Plain Text format is the most used, the most compatible and the fastest way for creating and sending emails. It is very simple to use as only row text is allowed without styles. The only thing you have to take care of is the number of characters per line when you insert line breaks. You can just write sentences with no line breaks at all, the final result will actually depend on the recipient email reader. Modern software like Mac OS X Mail, Entourage or Windows Outlook use to display the lines the same way without rewrapping but older software may rewrap your text to 72 characters per line following the 'Philip Bar™' formatting. This is the reason why it is usually recommended to keep lines shorter than 72 characters long to avoid unexpected results on the recipient side, when the email reader is set to rewrap the message contents to 72 characters. MaxBulk Mailer doesn't insert line breaks on its own so you are free to send long lines if you prefer and let the recipient mail reader to freely display the message. MaxBulk Mailer inserts a 'format=flowed' parameter to the Content-type header of your message to force the recipient mail reader to keep the original text format.

The Philip bar™ is a visual marker which indicates the limit of the window's visible area when the window is zoomed to fill a classic (512-pixel-wide) Macintosh screen. It's named for Philip Borenstein, former tech-writer at Symantec, who requested some indication of this width limit, so that he could write "read me" files that all users would be able to read without scrolling.

New paragraph Text/HTML
The Text/HTML format is a combination of an HTML message and a Plain Text alternative. The HTML message is made of standard HTML code. The Plain Text part follow the Plain Text format explained above.

Actually the Text/HTML format is a MIME format that means HTML with a text alternative, the HTML code will be rendered by the recipient email reader if supported else the Text alternative will be displayed. To use that format you have to create a text alternative of your message, usually a plain text copy of your HTML message and then paste the HTML code below. At delivery time the Text/HTML will be made of 3 parts:

1.- An error message created automatically by MaxBulk Mailer to warn the recipient in case its email reader doesn't understand the MIME format. It says:

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

2.- The plain text version of your HTML message that will be used in case the recipient email reader understand the MIME format but is not able to render HTML.

3.- The HTML code to be rendered if the recipient email reader application understand the MIME format and is able to render HTML.

Note: MIME stands for 'Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions'. It is a standard that describes how internet messages have to be formated. (RFC2045)

To create a Text/HTML message just choose the Text/HTML format from the format pull-down menu, write the Text version and paste the HTML version code below. Your document should be formatted this way:

Hello world!
    <p>Hello world!</p>

Note: If you select the "Text/HTML" format but you don't provide a text version it will be created on the fly using the HTML code. You may get very poor results on complex documents though.

The HTML code can be created with your favorite HTML editor software. We recommend WYSIWYG tools like Adobe Golive, Macromedia Dreamweaver or a specialized text editor like BBEdit from Barebones. HTML documents are always saved as text. <HTML> and </HTML> tags are required and are always included in the HTML code.

New paragraph HTML only
'HTML only' messages are made of HTML code only. They don't have any 'Plain Text' alternative nor a MIME alert. As a result we always assume that all recipient's email software will be able to render the HTML code. To create an 'HTML only' message just paste your HTML code to the MaxBulk Mailer message field and select the 'HTML only' format from the format pull-down menu. Note that your HTML code has to begin with the <HTML> tag and end with the </HTML> tag. Your document should be formatted this way:

    <p>Hello world!</p>

Note: It's recommended to use the Text/HTML format, which includes a text alternative version of your message when sending HTML as perhaps some of your recipient's software may not support HTML.

HTML code can be created with your favorite HTML editor software. We recommend WYSIWYG tools like Adobe Golive or Macromedia Dreamweaver or a specialized text editor like BBEdit from Barebones. HTML documents are always saved as text. <HTML> and </HTML> tags are required and are always included in the HTML code.

New paragraph Web Page
You can send a message containing a copy of a web page simply by using its URL. Just select the 'Web Page' format from the format pull-down menu and paste the URL in the message field. MaxBulk Mailer will get the code located at that address and will send it to your recipients. It is extremely simple and easy to use. You can provide a BASE HREF tag to the HTML code on the second line if necessary. The BASE HREF parameter converts all the relative URLs into absolute ones. To add an alternative plain text version as with Text/HTML format, add two line-breaks and the text right below.

New paragraph Styled Text (Pro only)
The Styled Text format allows you to enhance your text messages with styles such as bold, italic, underline, colors, fonts and sizes. Select the 'Styled Text' format from the format pull-down menu and use the formatting options accessible from both the formatting toolbar located right above the message field and the 'Format' top menu. Read the 'Formatting text' chapter for more information on styles.

When sending a "Styled Text" message, MaxBulk Mailer converts your text into HTML code and also creates a text alternative version on the fly automatically so all recipients will be able to read your message even though they use a text-only email reader.

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MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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