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How to unsubscribe emails in bulk using a blacklist | How to use Maxprog products Maxprog's Blog

How to unsubscribe emails in bulk using a blacklist

How to use Maxprog products Maxprog's Blog

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How to unsubscribe emails in bulk using a blacklist


MaxBulk Mailer already allows you to unsubscribe people from a list but what happens if some recipients are subscribed to more than one list and they explicitly asked not to receive anything else from you, in other words, how to unsubscribe emails in bulk?

Well, you have the choice between processing each list separately and unsubscribe the recipient from each of them or use the MaxBulk Mailer Global Blacklist feature. In fact, the Global Blacklist prevents you from sending messages to given addresses whichever the list you have selected. In other words, you just need to add the address once to the blacklist to get it automatically blocked everywhere else! Furthermore, you can even block a whole domain or a name independently from its domain!

As unsubscribed addresses, blacklisted recipients are automatically discarded by MaxBulk Mailer when sending messages.

Blacklisting an email address is very simple. Let's see...

How to unsubscribe emails in bulk, blacklisting Al Capone

Select your list and highlight the address(es) you wish to blacklist. Then either right-click your mouse and select the "Add to Blacklist" menu or select the 'Recipients > Add to Blacklist' menu from the top menu.
How to unsubscribe emails in bulk
A confirmation window will be displayed, if you click on the 'Ok' button, the selected address(es) will be blacklisted.

Using MaxBulk Mailer Global Blacklist

Al Capone has been blacklisted

Blacklisted addresses appear strikethrough with a different icon so you can easily tell them apart.

How to unsubscribe emails in bulk

In addition, the whole entry appears in gray, unchecked and the card icon with a green check mark has been replaced with a card icon with a prohibition sign. Al Capone will never receive any more message from us!

Let's check the Blacklist

The Blacklist is accessible from the List manager pull-down menu like any other list. Just select it. Here is Al Capone!

Using MaxBulk Mailer Global Blacklist
Since the Blacklist is similar to the other lists you can add more addresses to it by using the '+' button, by dropping text with addresses or by importing files. To remove addresses from the Blacklist you just have to select them, click on the delete button '-' and then on the 'Save' button. Yes, it is the same as with any other list. As a result, It is really easy to maintain a blacklist. Of course, you also can remove blacklisted addresses from any list by using the 'Recipients > Remove from Blacklist' menu.

Just remember that with the MaxBulk Mailer Global Blacklist

- Blacklisted addresses will never receive your messages whichever the list they are on.
- You can blacklist an address selecting it and using the 'Add to blacklist' menu.
- The blacklist is like another list you can select and open from the list manager pull-down menu.
- Everything that works with a regular list will also work for the Blacklist.
- You can remove blacklisted addresses from any list by using the 'Recipients > Remove from Blacklist' menu.

Blacklisting a domain or a name - Using wildcards

The blacklist is a great feature but what if you want to blacklist all the addresses from a given domain or all the addresses with a given name? Actually, it is really easy to mass blacklist addresses based on the name or the domain part. In other words, you can perfectly add '@mydomain.com' or 'postmaster@' to the blacklist. The former will blacklist absolutely all the addresses belonging to the 'mydomain.com' domain and the latter all the 'postmaster' addresses from any domain.

Blacklisting a domain or a name using wildcards

Wildcards '*' are also accepted. For example 'peter@*' or 'peter@*.*' (actually equivalent to 'peter@') are valid. You can use wildcards in all the email address parts, name, domain and extention. This is a sample list of accepted formats:

*@hotmail.comBlacklist all addresses from hotmail (same as '@hotmail.com')
.comBlacklist all addresses with the 'com' extention
*.comSame as above
@*.comSame as above
*@*.comSame as above
@runshareBlacklist all addresses from the 'runshare' domain
*@runshareSame as above
*@runshare*Same as above
@runshare*Same as above
@runshare.Same as above
*@runshare.Same as above
@runshare.*Same as above
*@runshare.*Same as above

This is a small video tutorial about how to unsubscribe emails in bulk using a blacklist:

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MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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