Web Dumper 3.3.7 release


Staff member
New Web Dumper v3.3.7 has been released today.

Web Dumper is a web download tool that allows you to download entire web sites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing.

What's new in this release:

- A new 'Help > What's new' menu let's the user read the version history from newer to older.
- The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
- Yosemite (10.10) small fixes.
- Several aesthetic fixes.



New Member
stanbusk said:
New Web Dumper v3.3.7 has been released today.

Web Dumper is a web download tool that allows you to download entire web sites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing.

What's new in this Male Extra blog review here:

- A new 'Help > What's new' menu let's the user read the version history from newer to older.
- The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
- Yosemite (10.10) small fixes.
- Several aesthetic fixes.


Brilliant, just what I've been looking for. Thanks very much Stan.

Does it also find hidden pages on the website or does just download what's shown publicly?
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