Version 8.5.5 - I got a problem using Conditional messages


New Member
Up to 8.5.2. this worked without any problem

My script for Conditional messages

<IF [[Opt2]] = "Frau" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="f" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Sehr geehrte Frau [Opt3] [Nachname],
[[Opt2]] = "Frau" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="p" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Liebe Frau [Opt3] [Nachname],
[[Opt2]] = "Frau" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="du" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Liebe [Vorname],
[[Opt2]] = "Herr" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="f" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Sehr geehrter Herr [Opt3] [Nachname],
[[Opt2]] = "Herr" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="p" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Lieber Herr [Opt3] [Nachname],
[[Opt2]] = "Herr" <AND> [[Opt1]] ="du" <AND> [[Nachname]] <>"">Lieber [Vorname],
<ELSE> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,</IF>

I got in the preview and in the sent e-Mail the correct address. Now i get only the condition behind <else>.
There was no change in the recipient-file.

Do You have please any idea. Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Re: Version 8.5.5 - I got a problem using Conditional messag

I see you have two <ELSE> at the end, are you using that code or do you made a mistake pasting? You can't have two <ELSE>.

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