Verifier simply stops verifying after some thousands emails


New Member
I tried importing different size lists, the program often simply just stops and does not go on with verifying. It usually happens after some thousands, like it could be 5000 emails, 10000 emails, 2000 emails, there is not fixed number of checks after which the verifying stops.

After stop, the program doesn't do anything. It is not hanging. It gives no error. It simply stops, and that drives me mad, it just sits and does nothing.

As example, the last lines in console, at which it has stopped are:
[00] 8/3 18:46:28 > MX Lookup <[email protected]>
[00] 8/3 18:46:28 MX Result <[email protected]> -> []

I've seen here on forum people with similar issue. Any possible ideas or solutions?

Thank you.


Staff member
Re: Verifier simply stops verifying after some thousands ema

Do you have an anti-virus scanning the mail ports?


New Member
Re: Verifier simply stops verifying after some thousands ema

Sorry, forgot to mention, it is MAC, i ain't no using antiviruses on MAC, and no other tools blocking any ports. Anyway, what ports should i check if open?


Staff member
Re: Verifier simply stops verifying after some thousands ema

Is it a problem on importing the list or on testing? If it is on importing remember the list has to be in plain text format, one record per line.

If it is on testing, make sure the sleep mode is turned off. You can also have a problem with App Nap. That can be deactivated from the preferences as well. App Nap will turn sleep mode on eMail Verifier after a while running.

Those two issues will be corrected in next eMail Verifier version.

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