Unsubscribe link in webpage format mails


New Member

I'm trying to get a correct link for my users to unsubscribe at the bottom of my mail. I previously used styled text and unsubscribe tag worked fine.

Now I'm trying to start using html design (webpage format) it's design i made in a external program (mail designer pro 2.3)

Not sure how i can get the correct url link to unsubscribe ?

I get this far:


I would like the client to be able to click the link and be unsubscribed automatically, but if not possible manually enter the mail and unsubscribe.



Staff member
Web page format is for sending an existing web page. You have to edit that web page to insert the unsubscribe link/tag.


New Member
Yes i understand that, what I'm asking is how to "generate" that URL to place on the website as a link.

If not possible to get a link that will unsubscribe directly like when you use the tags in a styled message in max bulk mailer, how an i get a "universal" link that where they can enter the email and unsubscribe from any list i have.



Staff member
All you have to do is to insert the [Unsubscribe] tag. That will generate the correct URL automatically. In addition you may want to edit the default text for that URL, that can be done from the MaxBulk Mailer preferences, 'Tags' panel.


New Member
Yes i now i can use the tag when i send a message in styled texted, but if i use the website format and just type in the url in the message field i have to have the unsubscribe url on the website already right ?

Either way I'm moving to html based messages, and designing and tracking will be limited in maxbulkmailer along with the need of a external smtp, so i will be moving on to mail chimp.



Staff member
Yes i now i can use the tag when i send a message in styled texted, but if i use the website format and just type in the url in the message field i have to have the unsubscribe url on the website already right ?
You just have to add the [Unsubscribe] tag to the page code, that's all. MaxBulk Mailer will do the rest.
Either way I'm moving to html based messages, and designing and tracking will be limited in maxbulkmailer along with the need of a external smtp, so i will be moving on to mail chimp.
It has always been recommended to use a web page editor software to create the message, the ideal would be to create a template, test it thoroughly and then stick to it. If you don't want to create a template just get one, there are lots of them you can get for free. I wrote an article about this topic, it is available here: Sending beautiful e-mails with MaxBulk Mailer. I don't understand well what you mean about MaxBulk Mailer tracking limitations, MaxBulk Mailer does click-through tracking, you just need to install MLM on your server. All mail software need indeed a mail server, it is explained here: What mail server can I or should I use with MaxBulk Mailer?. And about you last statement about using an assisted web system, well, it is your choice, MaxBulk Mailer is a do-it-yourself system, not the same. I also wrote a page about that, it is available here: MaxBulk Mailer vs Web-Based email marketing systems :D