The Library folder has no maxprog folder


New Member
In the I cash manual is written that you can find your back up following... this path: - library/ application support/maxpro/icash/ back ups folder...

Please see the attached picture where following this path I do not find max pro/icash/backup folder....

Is someone able to help me ? thank you Riccardo


New Member
In the I cash manual is written that you can find your back up following... this path: - library/ application support/maxpro/icash/ back ups folder...

Please see the attached picture where following this path I do not find max pro/icash/backup folder....

Is someone able to help me ? thank you Riccardo


Staff member
There is a difference between the 'Library' and the '~/Library' folders. The former is on your startup disk and the latter on your account folder. You need to access the second one. How? It is explicated in this short support video:

Stan Busk - Software Engineer
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