Tags no longer work


New Member
Hi Stan

MLM Installed and works fine.
Checked Unsubscribe also worked fine. Stats etc worked fine.

Tried to change the tag word from Unsubscribe to "here" as per your recent video, since then no tags seem to work.
I did click on Factory Settings in Preferences / Tags not sure if that caused a problem. Also on your video when you click Preferences / Tags you do not see ALL the Tags I get the same.
I can post screenshots via E-Mail if required they too large to send here.

Thanks Ted


New Member
Hi Stan / All
Just realised that TAGS will not work if you do not have anyone in the Recipient List. So my Tags now work but I went Preferences / Tags then to the right of Unsubscribe I entered "here". Now when I go to Preview the Undelete Tag has a URL . See pics.Screenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.46.57.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.46.30.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.46.57.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.45.52.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.46.57.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.46.30.pngScreenshot 2020-06-01 at 13.45.52.png


New Member
OK now after playing I can see what my problem was. Here are some Golden Rules:-

If you have problems with TAGS and or viewing TAGS.

a) Make sure you have a Recipient List Selected
b) Make sure you have Styled Text selected before Previewing. If you have just Plain Text selected then for instance the [Unsubscibe} TAG will apprear as a URL.

Hope that helps others.

Cheers Ted


Staff member
Yes to everything.

Indeed, a list has to be selected since the unsubscribe feature works at the list level. A list name is needed so the software knows what list a recipient has to be unsubscribed from.

And yes, the only way to hide URLs is either by using styled text or HTML.

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