Statistics showing column when no data


New Member
The new version of iCash has even wider column in the Statistic tab and still without the ability to select a range of years. As such, I decided to manually un-reconcile and delete all transactions from 2006 - 2015.

However, in statistics tab, when I select all and then click create, the results is showing header from 2006 with $0 in all the fields.
(See attached).

I can see from file info that there are 13500 transactions in trash. Is there a cache somewhere that I need to delete?

I would really like to have the options to compare statistics of the last 2-5 years.
Thank you in advance.


Staff member
We completely rewrote the 'Statistics' panel because of compatibility problems with the 64-bit compiler we use. Looking at you comment it looks like you want to select columns instead of rows, is that correct?

About deleting, have you tried to re-index your document?

No there is no cache and no macOS/Windows-like Trash. The software only tells you how many transactions you have deleted.

I have a support request here about a report for comparing years, it is a report not something done with the statistic panel.

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New Member
hi Stanbusk,

Yes I would like to select columns e.g. 2017 AND 2018 (or current year vs last year) to compare 2 years of data, either monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. If I can select a range e.g. 2015 to 2018, even better.

How do I re-index the data?

I was not able to attach the screenshot as it was bigger than 300x300.

Basically, I have something like this when I selected "yearly" and "all" for period:-
Accounts 2006 2007 2008....2018 (13 columns of years) total average
xxxx $0 $0 $0..... $d

By right, it should be:-
Accounts 2015 2016 2017 2018
xxxx $a $b $c $d


New Member
Yes, a custom range will be great.

We can select range (by date) in "Queries" so it would be great to have that in Statistics and Reports tab.

p.s. I'm still baffled by the columns with $0 value though :p

p.s2. files created 10 years ago is less than 10mb with all data but new file created now is 25mb (no transactions). It is due to new version of iCash?


Staff member
You get columns with 0 because I guess there is no code to remove those columns. By default SQL queries return everything, the code has to filter the output. I would have to check the code.

Indeed iCash assignation blocks are bigger. An empty file is then bigger. We changed the minimum assignation block to a greater value to enhance speed. The difference is huge.

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New Member
Indeed the SQL returns everything, even for current year where accounts are deactivated or amount = $0 (in rows).

Hope there is a solution soon. Thank you.

p.s. I can't understand why empty files are bigger in size than files with data... but it's probably too technical for me (just an accountant) :p