Yes, and I can see all my lists fine. The process went like this:
The other day I needed to send an email to approximately 30,000 contacts divided into about 20 lists, with the two largest lists being around 8,300 contacts and 11,200 contacts. I selected "Load Remote Lists", and they all loaded okay...(<-- did I just realize that I didn't make myself clear enough? the problem was not with the actual loading of the lists, it was with the selecting/downloading of the lists) I loaded the lists, and when I went to start selecting them for my recipients, it was taking forever for them to download and add to my one large list of recipients. I got to the list of 8,300 and after waiting about 5 minutes, I decided to start over and that's when I realized that MBM had frozen. I repeated this process about 4 or 5 times with the same results to no avail. I didn't even have a chance to attempt the 11,200-count list because I never got the 8,300-count list to load properly.
I eventually gave up and sent to all the contacts on my local list because selecting and adding them as recipients obviously was no issue, and it didn't actually matter seeing as how it was my first email blast from these lists...but as you can obviously see, it will matter from now on, because if people unsubscribe, that won't be reflected in my local lists because I use MLM for that and would need to retrieve that info from my updated remote lists. Any tips on this issue?