Ran Diagnostic Test and It came up with some errors


New Member
Hi Folks, any out there that could help me on this? I'm trying to get MLM working. Here is where I’m at:

I ran this diagnostic query as per the install doc at this URL:

Section 5:

http://petersprague.com/lm/lm.php?cmd=d ... d=********

and got this result with some errors, it appears some SQL tables are not properly built on the install.

MLM 3.1.6 diagnose ran on 2015-08-09 at 23:38:10

request_uri = http://petersprague.com/lm/lm.php?cmd=d ... =Surfer101?
path_to_script = http://petersprague.com/lm/lm.php
working_directory = /home/peterspr/public_html/lm

mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0755
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755

#1 mysql_connect( localhost, peterspr_bulky, SsxR[rX[xU=P, peterspr_bulkmail )
-> Connection OK!

#2 mysql_select_db( peterspr_bulkmail )
-> Database selection OK!

#3 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_req` WHERE `fld_sub` = '0' )
-> Query OK!

#4 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub` WHERE `fld_list` = '' )
-> Error running query (1146: Table 'peterspr_bulkmail.tbl_mlm_sub' doesn't exist)
-> Check the server settings in lm_settings.php
#5 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_clk` WHERE `fld_delivery` = '' )
-> Error running query (1146: Table 'peterspr_bulkmail.tbl_mlm_sub_clk' doesn't exist)
-> Check the server settings in lm_settings.php
#6 1 list(s), 0 recipient(s), 0 deliveries
-> No error found.

Lists (List Name | Total Recipients | Modification Date):

Thanks and let me know if you have an idea how to get this going...Peter


Staff member
Try to run this command:


This command is for creating all the tables.


New Member
Hi Stan, ran the tables script and it worked out and ran the diagnostic again and it came up positive.

Now I'm trying to create a Remote List from the app after entering one email address and trying to save the list I get this error:

An error occurred during the list upload process.

Any idea of how to proceed from here?

many thanks, Peter


Staff member
What URL do you have in the MaxBulk Mailer preferences for MLM? It has to be the URL of lm.php


New Member
Thanks Stan and this seems to work!

Now I have to figure out how to make it so users can sign up for the list plus give them the option to opt out. Any suggestions on where to read how to set this up?

all best, Peter


Staff member
You have several sample subscription page in the lm/html folder. Some of them are automatic, they automatically list all the available lists.