Problems with changed database URL


Hi Stan,
I have changed the location of our database.
Diagnostics showing no error, access from the preferences panel is also ok.
But if I try to access the database from the address panel it show Error #102 Invalid URL.

Is there an other place than the settings panel where I have to insert the new URL to get the thing work?

Bildschirmfoto 2019-09-26 um 14.56.10.png

MLM 3.1.7 diagnose ran on 2019-09-26 at 08:54:27

request_uri =
path_to_script =
working_directory = /mnt/web217/d0/61/51168861/htdocs/database/lm

mailqueue permissions = 0750
sqlqueue permissions = 0750
uploads permissions = 0777
imports permissions = 0750
templates permissions = 0755

#1 mysqli_connect(, XXXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXXXX )
-> Connection OK!

#2 mysql_select_db( XXXXXXX )
-> Database selection OK!

#3 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Query OK!

#4 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Query OK!

#5 mysqli_query( $mysql_link, $query )
-> Query OK!

#6 10 list(s), 131 recipient(s), 676 deliveries
-> No error found.

Lists (List Name | Total Recipients | Modification Date):
36002 Miji Lifestyle | 37 |
36003 Miji Fachpresse | 17 |
36909 Miji intern | 4 |
99491 Gaslicht | 37 |
99491 Gaslicht Kommmunikation | 4 |
99909 Test intern | 1 |
Aon Altersversorgung Fach | 20 |
Aon intern | 4 |
Test Gaslicht | 5 |
Test intern | 2 |


Staff member
No, there is no other location. The very only place to set the MLM URL is the MaxBulk Mailer preference second panel. Have you tried to delete and fully enter the URL again?

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Hi Stan,
I even tried to delete the preferences completely. No change in behaviour. Could there be a problem with https:// connections?