[01] 1/4 18:56:37 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 ~ Connecting to outlook.office365.com Port:587
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 ~ Connected
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 220 BYAPR11CA0044.outlook.office365.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Sat, 5 Jan 2019 02:56:37 +0000
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 > EHLO []
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 250-BYAPR11CA0044.outlook.office365.com Hello []
250-SIZE 157286400
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 > STARTTLS
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 ~ Connected
[01] 1/4 18:56:37 > EHLO []
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 250-BYAPR11CA0044.outlook.office365.com Hello []
250-SIZE 157286400
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 > [email protected]
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 1/4 18:56:38 > *********
[01] 1/4 18:56:39 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
[01] 1/4 18:56:39 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 1/4 18:56:39 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
[01] 1/4 18:56:39 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/3]
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 > DATA
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 ~ Sending message
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 ~ with ID <[email protected]>
[01] 1/4 18:56:40 ~ To [email protected]
[00] 1/4 18:56:40 ~ Sending attachment "narpm_black_affiliate.jpg"
[00] 1/4 18:56:40 ~ Sending attachment "ACT Logo-mini.png"
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Cannot submit message. 16.55847:1D1D0000, 17.43559:0000000094000000000000000100000000000000, 20.52176:140FD785000010100A00D231, 20.50032:140FD785701710100A00E231, 0.35180:F52C0000, 255.23226:0A00C931, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:0E000000, 255.31418:0A000000, 16.55847:DE000000, 17.43559:00000000A0010000000000002000000000000000, 20.52176:140FD7850000101036000000, 20.50032:140FD785701710103B000000, 0.35180:1F000737, 255.23226:56000000, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:32000000, 255.17082:DC040000, 0.27745:90000000, 4.21921:DC040000, 255.27962:FA000000, 255.1494:1F000E37, 0.38698:0F010480, 0.37692:0F010480, 0.44092:830601BD, 0.41232:8197C6EA, 0.60208:0F010480, 0.37136:00000000, 0.34608:302E3134, 0.55056:30303A44, 0.42768:32324D42, 0.56112:3A303863, 0.52807:392D6639, 4.33016:DC040000, 7.40748:010000000000010B38386263, 7.57132:0000000000000000B89C6A4B, 1.63016:32000000, 4.39640:DC040000, 8.45434:54EDBF039BC6DD41896248DD0DE9AC9A32324D42, 5.10786:0000000031352E32302E313439352E3030303A444D35505232324D42303236363A30386335363061392D663936622D343733302D626233342D646630653764333838626336005D2D42413639, 255.1750:0A00A181, 255.31418:B5010000, 0.22753:0A000185, 255.21817:DC040000, 4.60547:DC040000, 0.21966:BF010000, 4.30158:DC040000 [Hostname=DM5PR22MB0266.namprd22.prod.outlook.com]
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [2/3]
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [3/3]
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 > DATA
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 ~ Sending message
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 ~ with ID <[email protected]>
[01] 1/4 18:56:41 ~ To [email protected]
[00] 1/4 18:56:41 ~ Sending attachment "narpm_black_affiliate.jpg"
[00] 1/4 18:56:41 ~ Sending attachment "ACT Logo-mini.png"
[01] 1/4 18:56:42 554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Cannot submit message. 16.55847:201D0000, 17.43559:0000000094000000000000000100000000000000, 20.52176:140FD785000010100300170E, 20.50032:140FD785701710100A005580, 0.35180:E7020000, 255.23226:0A008440, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:0E000000, 255.31418:0A000000, 16.55847:DE000000, 17.43559:00000000A0010000000000000200000000000000, 20.52176:140FD7850000101036000000, 20.50032:140FD785701710103B000000, 0.35180:1F000737, 255.23226:56000000, 255.27962:0A000000, 255.27962:32000000, 255.17082:DC040000, 0.27745:90000000, 4.21921:DC040000, 255.27962:FA000000, 255.1494:1F000E37, 0.38698:00000000, 0.37692:0F010480, 0.44092:804C0100, 0.41232:00000000, 0.60208:01040480, 0.37136:00000000, 0.34608:302E3134, 0.55056:30303A44, 0.42768:32324D42, 0.56112:3A303863, 0.52807:392D6639, 4.33016:DC040000, 7.40748:010000000000010B38386263, 7.57132:000000000000000000000000, 1.63016:32000000, 4.39640:DC040000, 8.45434:54EDBF039BC6DD41896248DD0DE9AC9A00000000, 5.10786:0000000031352E32302E313439352E3030303A444D35505232324D42303236363A30386335363061392D663936622D343733302D626233342D64663065376433383862633600000000000000, 255.1750:0A00A181, 255.31418:B5010000, 0.22753:0A000185, 255.21817:DC040000, 4.60547:DC040000, 0.21966:BF010000, 4.30158:DC040000 [Hostname=DM5PR22MB0266.namprd22.prod.outlook.com]
[01] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Stage 1 dispatch done [A:4/3]
[01] 1/4 18:56:42 > QUIT
[01] 1/4 18:56:42 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
[01] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ [-]
[00] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Creating report...
[00] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Finishing...
[00] 1/4 18:56:42 ~ Finished.
MaxBulk Mailer Delivery Report [#93] - 1/4/19
Mailer version: 8.6.6-US (Cocoa) Pro - Registered
Machine OS/speed: Mac OS 10.14.1/1.8Ghz
Streams: 1 [1 Used] Single Server
Delivery mode: Singly (Tag processing ON)
SMTP server address: outlook.office365.com [Port: 587] TLS v1 Exp
Authentication: ESMTP (Login) | []
Groups: 25 [Interval: 00:03:45]
Delivery start date: 1/4/19 at 6:56:34 PM
End date: 1/4/19 at 6:56:42 PM
Total duration: 8 second(s) - Retries: 0/6
Rate: 0.12 recipient(s)/second
to a total of: 3 recipient(s) [3/3]
List name: unknown
Sent: 0
Failed: 3 undelivered [Connection dropped by server]
Errors: 3
Mail subject: Two New Features to Avoid Crappy Tenants® in 2019
Mail priority: Normal
Reply To: [email protected] (Sender)
Errors: [email protected] (Sender)
Return receipt: No
Mail format: Styled Text | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Mail size: 1.55 KB (Doesn't include attachments)
Attachments: 2 (26.0 KB)
Encoding: Base64
MLM: Click-through tracking [Deactivated]