Petición de nuevo, iCash para iPhone, Ipad. Años esperandola


New Member
Buenas tardes.

Lo primero es felicitar año, seguidamente quería hacer nueva petición y van varias desde hace años, muchos estamos esperando como agua de mayo una versión para iPhone, iPad, en definitiva para IOS, para poder meter apuntes con el móvil, esos que se generan al momento, fuera de casa, en un comercio, en una oficina, etc... y que luego lógicamente se sincronizan,

Por favor vengo realizando esta petición al igual que otros muchos desde hace años, se hace necesaria y útil, llevadlo en cuenta aunque se que lo hacéis.

A ver si para este 2017 tenemos por fin buenas noticias y llegan una versión para móvil.

Gracias por todo, y feliz año nuevo.


New Member
Re: Petición de nuevo, iCash para iPhone, Ipad. Años esperan

Dear friend,

I tried to translate your message and I think ( I am italian ) to have been able to traslate it.

May be better you write in English next time ...

However : I am close to you in this matter !



Staff member
Re: Petición de nuevo, iCash para iPhone, Ipad. Años esperan

We managed to move iCash to Cocoa last year, now we are about to release a Retina version and finally we will try to release a 64bits version. This is all I can tell about iCash, a Desktop application for maOS and Windows. I can't talk about things that are not listed on our web site.

From our FAQ:

We prefer not to talk about products that don't officially exist or features that have not been implemented yet except to our Alpha and Beta testers. A product or feature officially exists once it has been advertised on this site. That includes new products, products ported to new platforms, new relevant features and upcoming updates. A new product or feature is somewhat secret until release because we do not want you to feel cheated or disappointed. Indeed we may fail or fall behind schedule due to unforeseen difficulties.

We always listen to our customers thru the public forums and the support help desk, we take note of absolutely all feature requests and bug reports. We may give an opinion but that's all, we very rarely engage ourselves to develop stuff on demand or deliver regular updates.

It is a real pleasure to run this company and serve you but you have to understand that to preserve our freedom and to avoid misunderstandings our business directions and decisions should remain private.

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New Member
Re: Petición de nuevo, iCash para iPhone, Ipad. Años esperan

Gracias stanbusk, lo entiendo perfectamente.

Es un placer usar iCash desde hace años, llevo con el casi 10 años y estoy encantado.