[MLM] Error inserting record from TrackClicktoDB()


New Member

I get this email notification:

[MLM] Error inserting record from TrackClicktoDB()

1146: Table 'xxxxxxxxxxx.tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test' doesn't exist

Can anyone please tell me what this means.

What did I do wrong.

All help is appreciated

I believe it may have something to do with my other posting regarding Templates not saving & your comment obout read-only folders.

I noticed that one template (& only one) did save. For some reason it looks blank on the Message tab but in Preview shows:
1146: Table 'xxxxxxxxxxx.tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test' doesn't exist

This then gets posted to self when the template is saved?!


New Member
Same error for me...

I'm getting the same error. I just upgraded and installed 7.6 with 2.2.2 yesterday. The error is "1146: Table 'actona6_aalm.tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test' doesn't exist" It repeats as an email message endlessly until I disable click-through tracking in MBM prefs. Other than the error everything seems to be working o.k. I've checked the db online and it's working o.k. I can subscribe and unsubscribe.
...that's the one!

...& I thought I was going insane. I have opened a ticket on this issue, so I hope it can be resolved (& made public) very soon.

Otherwise, this is the best emailing software I have come across in years ...& I have tested & bought a few...!!!


Staff member
It has been more than a month since I heard for the first time of this error but nobody so far has provided any valuable info to get it reproduced here. This error happens with very few installations and I don't know the reason.

Note that I am the first one wishing to fix it.


Staff member
Reinstalling MaxBulk Mailer has no relation with MLM. The two application works separately.


New Member
O.k. Here's the details of my experience.
I was unable to use the "install MLM" menu feature in MBM. It would not complete the install on my ISP's server. Close but no cigar. I also found it necessary to change the hostname to "localhost" because I was unable to communicate with the server until I made that change. Once I did I was able to run the INIT command and the database and tables were created without any problems. I used the "recipients/upload to server" command to upload a double opt-in list I collected through iContact (I'm soooo done with them!) to the new mysql db. That worked fine. I also added a second db of ongoing customers that are not double opt-in and I segregate for that purpose. A short while after uploading the db's I began receiving error message emails that said "1146: Table 'actona6_aalm.tbl_mlm_sub_clk_test' doesn't exist" The time between messages varied from 20-30 seconds to 10-12 minutes. I began to wonder if something I was doing locally on my computer was provoking it. I was in the middle of creating an HTML based email to send to a sub-set of my double-opt-in list. The emails continued to ring-in until I had 17 of them. At that point I decided I had to take action to stop them so I went into preferences in MBM and deactivated "click through tracking" which was set on automatic. The error emails ceased immediately after that.
This morning after a restart I reactivated "click through tracking" and I haven't gotten any more error emails so far. I have not been able to send a test message either to see if tracking is working but hopefully it will be o.k.

I guess my question is wouldn't the INIT command have created the table for all the data it needed at the same time it created the db file?


New Member
I downloaded the update and installed with no problems. Now however it seems all my tracking is gone. I sent a small group of messages (15) and tracking is not working for any of them. I did reactivate the tracking option in the prefs, but it seems not to have worked. Any suggestions on a course of action?


New Member
I didn't say "deleted the tracking data". I said "reactivated the tracking option" in the MBM preferences. I had turned it off originally when I began to get the stream of error emails. Once I uploaded and installed the new version of lm.functions.php I turned the "click through tracking" pref back on so MLM would track when recipients had received and opened messages.

So to reiterate...at this point the new message that I sent out has no tracking data. This message was sent after I installed the new lm.functions.php patch. Nothing shows up in the tracking window at all. No message, no data. Older messages still do but not the new one.