Missing results - repost after previous post was deleted!!


New Member
I just came back to check whether there had been any progress on the bug I reported a few weeks back, where your application incorrectly counts the number of verified emails.

I was surprised to find that the thread had been deleted!

I opened the application to see if there was an update available, thinking that perhaps the issue had been fixed and therefore that the post had been deleted as it was no longer relevant. This would be an unusual approach to running a support forum as most reputable companies keep even outdated posts for prosterity, but I realise that not all companies might act in the same way.

But no, there is no update and the issue still exists, so where is my post? I decided to re-post the problem in the hope that someone would actually fix it.

I was amazed to find that not only had the post been deleted but that my account had been deleted too!

So far I'm not impressed by your service. It is very unprofessional to delete bug reports just because they detail bugs that you can't be bothered to fix. I think such behaviour says a lot about you and about your products and I won't be buying any more of them as a result.

What you are supposed to do is acknowledge the issue and provide updates on a fix. If it can't be fixed for the next update then say so: don't simply delete the post - and don't simply delete the account of the post author!

I hope I don't have to create another article about shoddy customer support, but I'm willing to do so if that's the only way to get some service here. You'll find that you can't delete an article on my blog.

Please provide an update on when this issue will be fixed. I know you're already aware of it because we discussed it in the previous thread.

I will be watching this post much more closely than the last one.


Staff member
Re: Missing results - repost after previous post was deleted

This forum was attacked by hackers/spammers. I sent a note about that explaining the situation. One month of posts and threads was severely damaged. All accounts created in that month was destroyed. I am really sorry about that. If you have problems please repost.


New Member
Re: Missing results - repost after previous post was deleted


I didn't realise your forum had been hacked - sorry to hear that, and of course you may therefore ignore what I said about you deleting my post!

The problem is with Email Verifier not correctly counting its results. For example I have just run a file that contains 229 email addresses through it, and here are the results:

Valid: 294 (128.38%)
Bad: 11 (4.8%)
Unsuccessful: 14 (6.11%)

294 + 11 + 4 = 319

How can it have 319 results when I only started with 229 email addresses?

It does this with every file I try. The threads obviously aren't being counted correctly.

Do you know when you will be able to fix this?



Staff member
Re: Missing results - repost after previous post was deleted

I know, I will add a new function that will recalculate everything when finished. The problem comes from updating those numbers continuously from several threads at the same time. Note that I have real difficulties to reproduce the problem here, I have always heard about it from a few customers, just 3 o 4 times so far. Would it be possible to get that list for our testings?