MBM now asking to set password before each send.


Version 8.4.5: This just started happening today: When I go to send emails, I get authentication error- and am asked to reset my password. I re-enter my password in the settings, and then I can send. It's the same password I've been using.

Here is the connection log:

[01] 11/21 16:41:33 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 ~ Connecting to smtp.levinphotography.com Port:2525
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 ~ Connected
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 220 mailpod.hostingplatform.com ESMTP
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 > EHLO []
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 250-mailpod.hostingplatform.com
250-SIZE 65000000
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 11/21 16:41:33 > [email protected]
[01] 11/21 16:41:34 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 11/21 16:41:34 > *************
[01] 11/21 16:41:39 535 authentication failed (#5.7.1)
[01] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ [-]
[00] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ Creating report...
[00] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ Finishing...
[00] 11/21 16:41:39 ~ Finished.

MaxBulk Mailer Delivery Report [#59] - 11/21/13

Mailer version: 8.4.5-US Pro - Registered
Machine OS/speed: Mac OS 10.8.5 Mountain Lion/2.4Ghz

Streams: 1 [1 Used] Single Server
Delivery mode: Singly (Tag processing ON)

SMTP server address: smtp.levinphotography.com [Port: 2525] SSL Off
Authentication: ESMTP (Login) | []
Groups: 500 [Interval: 01:15:00]

Delivery start date: 11/21/13 at 4:41:32 PM
End date: 11/21/13 at 4:41:39 PM
Total duration: 7 second(s) - Retries: 1000/6
Rate: 0.00 recipient(s)/second

to a total of: 2 recipient(s) [2/2]
List name: unknown
Sent: 0
Failed: 2 undelivered [Connection dropped by server]
Errors: 1

Mail subject: #
Mail priority: Normal
Reply To: [email protected]
Errors: [email protected] (Sender)
Return receipt: No
Mail format: Styled Text | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Mail size: 496 Bytes (Doesn't include attachments)
Attachments: 2 (43.9 KB)
Encoding: Base64

MLM: Click-through tracking [Activated]



So is this something on my mail server side? Odd this just started yesterday. Once I retype my password into the settings of MBM document and save, I can then send.


I think I may have found the problem:

When I created an account in the settings of MBM, I saved the settings with a name using the save button and the pull-down menu options.

I can send my mail without having to re-enter my password as long as that setting with my name in the pull down appears. However, if I quit MBM and then relaunch, the pulldown is blank (no name), but my other settings in the lower part of the window still appear correct.

I just have to use the pull down to select my account "name" prior to a send.

So whenever I quit the program, even if I do File>Save in the MBM document, and then I relaunch, the pull down in the setting section defaults to un-named acct. Maybe this was intentional?


Staff member
You can auto-select an account from the MaxBulk Mailer preferences. I guess it is what you need to do.


Hi Stan,

Just tried to set preference you mentioned to automatic as well as the created "account" and upon quit and relaunch, the settings still default as mentioned above.

At least I figured out what's going on with the password/aunthentication issue.

I think the fix for now is to go into the document settings and pull down to created "account", save and then send email.


Hi there from Victoria, BC

I downloaded 8.4.5 yesterday and had the same problem -- the file we use every month to notify our subscribers did not work. It kept saying there was an authentication error and also the text font changed. This would happen when I opened the files. I selected all the text and changed the font back to Times (what it should be) but it would revert on re-opening to something that looked really dumpy.

I tried a number of things including repair permissions, using a back up MBM file from a previous month, etc. etc. but nothing worked. Very frustrating.

I trashed 8.4.5 and reactivated 8.4.4. which is working fine.

This seems to be a serious bug.

Eric W.
So Stan, what's the fix for the 8.45 Authentication bug? I have the same issue.......This seems to happen too often with updates.

Jim G :roll:


Staff member
The file is '~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/MaxBulk Mailer/Preferences'
or ~/Library/Preferences/Maxprog/MaxBulk Mailer/Accounts', this is the one that contains account data. They are both text files.


Staff member
Try to delete the 'Accounts' file first... or just move it to your desktop. Then launch MaxBulk Mailer, it will recreate a new file. Then enter your account again and save it. Then set it as the default account in the MaxBulk Mailer preferences.



I did what you said and still no luck. I then deleted both preference files, Accounts and Prefs. I re-set my preference setting in MBM and saved account info in the settings tab of my MBM document, went back to the MBM preferences and first tried Automatic and then tried my re-made account that I made in the settings of my MBM document.

It just does not hold the settings. I can manually select the Account that I created and still send with out the Authentication error. But I have to set that each time I go into a document.


New Member
Same problem here. This is a serious bug. I have a newsletter to get out tonight, needless to say very frustrated.


You can still send as usual, you just need to re-enter your password. I've only tested this sending out a few test messages. If you close and then re-open MBM document, re-enter PW.


New Member
Since I upgraded to 8.4.5 last week I have the same problem and cannot get to work even entering password each time - authenication error. I have 3 mailing lists with different accounts and none will work. Having to send from laptop from 8.4.4 and don't dare install latest. What to do? Delete all and start again?