MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7.3 (Mac) + Office 365 settings


New Member
Hello everyone,
I need your help with the settings for Office 365.

I have made the following settings:
SMTP host:
TLS v1.2 Exp (the manual still says v1.0, but it doesn't exist anymore)

Account ID: [email protected]
Password: two variants tested (App password and OWA access password)

The rest as in the manual of "How to configure office 365 of microsoft".

What am I doing wrong or did somebody fix it?
Thanks a lot


New Member
Hello Stan, thanks for the quick response. I have already set an app password.

I have already tried the following things:

Account ID: "[email protected]" and only "myemail"
Password: both app password and OWA password


Staff member
TLSv1.2 is the standard SSL version used by mail servers right now.

By the way, do you get a connection or an authentication error?