MaxBulk Mailer 8.5.2 release


Staff member
New MaxBulk Mailer v8.5.2 has been released today. This is a free update for all v8 users with an update plan.

MaxBulk Mailer is a bulk mailer software and an e-mailmerge tool for Macintosh and Windows that allows anyone to send out customized offers, press releases, price lists or any kind of text or HTML message to a list of subscribers, friends or customers.

What's new in this release:

- Educated quotes now supported in conditional statements.
- AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated during deliveries (Mac Only).
- AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated when loading/importing/exporting/processing lists. (Mac Only).
- Delivery is now faster thanks to a new synchronized driven delivery system.
- Permissions have been changed to allow compatibility with ‘Munki’.
- The Windows installer is now signed with a sha-256 certificate for Windows 10 compatibility.
- Fix: Old v3 files not loading the message contents.
- Fix: Extra empty menus have been removed from the main menu bar.

Don't forget to read our small tutorial about sending beautiful e-mails with MaxBulk Mailer.


Staff member
What operating system mare you using? What is the error from? MaxBulk Mailer? The installer?


New Member

After install and click on the open MaxBulk Mailer got that error

Use win7 x64

Ps. sorry I opened a new topic with this reply please delete.


New Member
thank you work now, but on the import list not show me the opt1 opt2 etc


Staff member
Have you tried to restart your computer? MaxBulk Mailer 8.5.2 list handling is the same as before, we changed nothing.


New Member
New 8.5.2. Does not run under Windows 10 even under any compatibility modes. Used the latest installer as of 2/17/2016 and did computer restarts, multiple installations, uninstalling previous versions and such. Had to roll back to 8.5.1 - installer for it has an issue with signatures and windows 10 does not allows installation. Can install only as administrator via command prompt.


Staff member
What do you mean with signature? Can you tell me more info? We use a Comodo sha-256 signature as Windows 10 asks. Previous v8.5.1 uses an outdated sha-1 signature no longer supported by Windows 10. We updated the signature in purpose.

So it is an installer problem, right? Can you tell me the exact error?

Adrian Binggeli

New Member
I have the problem on my iMac and Macbook, after upgrading the startup of MaxBulk Mailer does not start! W when i got back with timemachine on 8.5.1 it takes several minutes now to start and the import of adresses thakes serveral minutes only to open a simple file.

There must been some changes. Do you have any tipps? Is there a Log or Debug Mode that can help you?

I am working on OSXEl Capitan 10.11

Thanks for any help, because on this sunday we want to use bulkmailer to mail to our 5000 clients !

Thanks alot,

Sincerely Adrian