Sorry to dig out this post again...
My solution to this is like following:
- Under "Accounts" I created a new category "Reference Accounts", which act as the reference account each trader get's at his broker of choice.
- Within "Reference Accounts" category for each broker I have an account I create an account for it (like "DEGIRO" for, or "flatex" for, and so on...)
- For each stock I'm trading I do the following:
-- create a new currency ("ST1", "ST2", and so on), in the currency description I put the ISIN of that stock (like "US1912161007") and set the initial value to it's current price
-- create an account (like "Coca Cola"), as currency I set the previously added currency (which should reflect the stock value)
- When I'm trading a stock it's the following:
-- Add a transaction from the reference account to the specific stock
-- In the "Rate" field I put the actual price I payed for each stock
-- (optionally) add another transaction from that reference account to "Bank Charges" if there are any transaction fees
I think this is the most real mapping of reality, as the value of each stock account reflects the amount of stocks you really own by that company (or share of ETF or whatever you're trading).
More tricky part will be the Reporting of Balance over time (as this should include the variance of stock price over time - which currently I cannot see).
It would just be nice if those "stock currencies" are updated for their given ISIN (can be looked up at some various stock-tickers. It wouldn't even be a huge change to the functionality that's already available.
The Report functionality ("Balance Sheet" over time, Balance-Charts), as mentioned, is more tricky - but I would prioritise it a little more down (not saying that I don't need it).
The Scheduling functionality should be adopted too, as when adding a scheduled transaction (for a saving plan, which is a automated transaction each month or so) is properly shown at the source account, but in the target account (the stock itself) it just shows the amount of the scheduled transaction (not taking account of the different currency - but this is an existing issue for scheduling foreign exchange accounts).
If there's no feature coming in the near future I'm going to write my own script that updates the currency value for those "stock currencies".