Import from a remote database brings up 1 item


I just bought the pro version as I was unable to test the connection to the database in the demo

:oops: When clicking import after having put databases access data and query (that gives thousands of results), I only see 1 person appearing in the list.

I'm not sure either how to use the "Target Field" as I can only select to import but I cannot change the order or match up to what I'm about to import so I don't get how the system knows what Field #1 would be.

Thanks for helping. Hope to get a quick reply.


In the meantime I have found in the preferences a way to change the "Opt #" and it works ... but I can hardly believe that the fields need to be managed manually ?

I run over 10 maillists with each between 10 and 20 fields to be loaded with different names so I suppose this is not done manually ? Maybe there is a reason but I haven't used it on PC run programs as Group Mail.

(by the way ... the red head smiley in the previous message got in there by accident)


Staff member
Are you importing data form a mySQL database using the 'Import from a remote database' menu?


Yes, and the importing works fine now (having figured out the "tags") but I don't see how I can manage multiple databases with the tag system as I can only have 1 set of tags in the preferences and the names of the columns are different for all databases I run

eg in one table it can be "firstname", in another one "first_name", and "fname" etc etc. and for some mails I need to import even more than 20 fields, so 20 X let's say 20 = 400 tags!

Actually I don't see why tags are needed as most programs just allow to put the column name in the email eg "name" in the database is automatically [name] in the mail.

One bug (I think) is in this case quite annoying: when managing the tags in the preferences, they are not refreshed in the mail sending window, so to see them I need to close the application.


Staff member
Actually there is no relation between the mySQL import and the tags. In the mySQL window each mySQL record will be added to MaxBulk Mailer following the order of the fields you have set. You have to line-up the fields on the left with the one on the right. If no email is detected for the email field the record is ignored.

Renaming tags from the preferences only affects the future documents you will create. In order to rename the tags of the current document use the 'Edit > Rename Tags' menu.


The "edit > rename tags" is a good tip. Pity there is no icon for that.

I don't seem to get how it works though. You say:

"each mySQL record will be added to MaxBulk Mailer"

this sounds as if MaxBulk Mailer automatically detects the fields that are entered in the query, which doesn't seem to happen. It only puts Field #1 up to the amount of fields indicated in "columns" so I need to manually enter all column names in "Target Field". moreover my column "mail" isn't valid so I need to use "E-mail Address" as if I don't use that one, no addresses get imported and no warning is put.

so how will I deal with multiple databases and tables that I need to import at each use (as those tables already tracks bounces etc)?


Staff member
This sounds as if MaxBulk Mailer automatically detects the fields that are entered in the query, which doesn't seem to happen. It only puts Field #1 up to the amount of fields indicated in "columns" so I need to manually enter all column names in "Target Field". moreover my column "mail" isn't valid so I need to use "E-mail Address" as if I don't use that one, no addresses get imported and no warning is put.
Use a Query that select the database columns rather than '*', that way you know what each returned column is and you will know how to line them up with MaxBulk Mailer fields.


I already use column by name but this doesn't make them appear so it still is quite a task to line up.

SELECT `mail`, `login`, `sms`, `tel`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `lg`, `gender`, date_format(birthday,'%m-%d-%Y'), `member_fsg`, `cities`, `nbr_rejected`, `sms_rejected`, `id`
FROM `maillist`
WHERE id > 44228

below :

Field #1 V E-mail Address
Field #2 V login
but I needed to fill in the "Target field" manually AND it doesn't take my "mail" field as mail address, I need to put it first and link it to "E-mail Address"

this looks really complicated


Staff member
It is very easy, you need to line-up the fields on the left with the fields on the right. You can also order your fields better in the query so `mail` is in the fourth position.


if you see this as easy, there is still something I must be missing as I need to enter every column manually. can you confirm this has to happen?

if this is the case, you can imagine that I need to do that task for ALL maillists I manage :(


Staff member
I don't understand, the window has a Preset facility so you can save all the settings. You don't have to do that each time. Once you have a working import save it a as a preset. Note that I use this Window a lot and I don't see any problem with it. It has just what mySQL needs and all what MaxBulk Mailer needs.


I have been a webmaster since 1997 and I can't figure out how this can work for me

I have figured out how to make it work for 1 maillist (the one I mentioned above). Now I'm trying to add a second "Import Presets". No problem with the "Server" settings, same for "SQL Query" but when I come to "Fields" I see

Field #1
Field #2
with the target fields as I put in the preferences
I see no way to change these (right click, double click). the ones that appear do not correspond to the names of the query as I see the ones from the preferences

this Target Field seems the one that needs to be used in the HTML to make a field appear in the email. as I need to make them all (24) appear, I don't see how I can manage this unless I change ALL HTML files to the fields you propose "Opt1" "Opt2" ... which makes it impossible to check what is what in the HTML as they have no meaning. changing the names in the Preferences is possible but only for 20 fields.

I have used Kristanix and Group Mail that work in a different way (no columns/fields need to be lined up, the imported column - and their names - are equal to the "Target Field" automatically) so maybe there is something I'm missing

In the meantime... I've been unable to send newsletters as the reason why I changed my program is that I had to run Parallels to make Group Mail or Kristanix work (Windows) and the Parallels version I have doesn't work on the MacBook I got as a replacement for my MacBookPro that broke down :(

Maybe you have a quicker way than this forum to get to a solution?


Staff member
With your query "SELECT `mail`, `login`, `sms`, `tel`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `lg`, `gender`, date_format(birthday,'%m-%d-%Y'), `member_fsg`, `cities`, `nbr_rejected`, `sms_rejected`, `id`
FROM `maillist`
WHERE id > 44228"

Field #1 = `mail`
Field #2 = `login`
Field #3 = `sms`
Field #4 = `tel`
Field #5 = `first_name`
Field #6 = `last_name`
Field #7 = `lg`
Field #8 = `gender`
Field #9 = date_format(birthday,'%m-%d-%Y')
Field #10 = `member_fsg`
Field #11 = `cities`
Field #12 = `nbr_rejected`
Field #13 = `sms_rejected`
Field #14 = `id`

Then you have to line-up those 14 fields with MaxBulk Mailer fields on the right. Can you explain me what is the exact problem you have with this? Perhaps you are expecting something else.


that was for the 1st maillist I manage, I have a second one that looks like this :

SELECT `Email`, `id`, `Customer`, `category`, `nick`, `CustomerName`, `title`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `lg`, `Street`, `PostalCode`, `City`, `State`, `Country`, `Telephone`, `nbr_rejected`, `weight`, `dat`, `resultsperpage`, `numvisit`, `lastvisit`, `AUART`
FROM `customers`
WHERE Email LIKE '%@%' AND
nbr_rejected < 6 AND
lg = 'nl';

The (23) columns have a different name than the 1st maillist so I don't know how to line up "Record from selected file" with "Target Field"

And I manage a lot of maillists like this so I even need to add columns and Target Fields and don't see how it then needs to be put in the HTML

(I'm trying to understand why the column names cannot be used as is in the HTML and why they need to be lined up)


Hopefully you are able to help quickly as I haven't been able to send out newsletters since I started this thread, now 7 days ago. If you think that MaxBulk Mailer cannot do what I need, please let me know how to arrange a refund.


Can you please help? I would love to use a Mac program instead of using the Windows programs so I truly hope this program can do what I would like it to.


Staff member
What is your exact question. Is it still about line-up your mySQL query result to MaxBulk Mailer columns to get the right data in the right column?


Yes, it is and it is getting urgent as I have several customers waiting for a newsletter to be sent

I am unable to line up for more than 1 maillist / database import (see my blog Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:49 pm) and do not find how to line up with more than 20 fields without having to use the names "Opt21, Opt22, Opt23" etc in the html of the mail (as in the preferences I can only define 20 fields)


Staff member
There is no other way, at least not with that function. The alternative is to use phpmyadmin on your server and export the data from there. Then import the text file you get to MaxBulk Mailer.


That would be going a step back, even Kristanix at 50$ is able to do what I need (only Windows unfortunately)

I believe that adding more fields in the set up of the tags (instead of 20) would make it possible, or better have different settings of tags eg per maillist (in the same way as different import settings can be saved). In that way a set of tags could be linked to a maillist.

Are you willing to build that feature or do I need to drop the use of MaxBulk Mailer?