iCash updates & modifications?


New Member
Hi Stan, I own iCash and have for a few years now but I have not see any updates. I have a couple of suggestions that I need to iCash. Are you still maintaining this app? It's a good app. Thank you sir


New Member
HI Stan!! Thx for responding so quickly.

I'm seeking to have my "comments" that are imported from my csv files to be the comments that are stored within the app. I understand that the "rules" make a copy of those comments but I need the actual comment and not the rule's comment in the actual transaction.

Any way you could add that feature?


New Member
Hey Stan,
yes I sure am. that is the one way to import a csv file. Here are my steps:
1. import
2. account statement
3. choose the csv file
4. the csv file has the following columns
DateDescriptionAmountPosted Balance After TransactionStatus
5. I only use Date, Description and Amount

My bank only provides pdf, csv and excel file formats for statements. I have attached 3 files to show the sequence from pic 1 through pic 3
pic 1.pngpic 2.pngpic 3.png

Thx for the help Stan


Staff member
Ok but when in the importing window as far as I know you can import the comment as is. You just need to make sure your file fields are properly mapped with iCash fields.


New Member
Hi Stan,
you are correct. HOWEVER, when you do the actual import and make the data part of the system, the comment that is used is the one in the RULE and not the one that was imported.

My pic 1 shows you what I mean.
The actual comment is imported from the CSV file into Comment field as shown at the top of the picture.
The Rule has a comment, as shown in the middle of the picture.
When I click Preview, the comment shown is the RULE's comment and not the comment from the CSV file.
Then, when I click Import, the RULE's comment is used and not the comment from the CSV file.

I use 3 fields: Date, Comment and Amount.
The other fields in my CSV file do not match any fields of use in your program

Do you understand what I am talking about now?

pic 1.png


Staff member
Yes, I understand. As I can see it works fine from most of your transaction comments except that one, am I right? Can you confirm?


New Member
Hi Stan,

no, it doesn't work for "most" of my transaction comments. it's actually using the RULE comment for each transaction that matches a rule.

If I have a transaction that does not have a rule, I have to construct a new rule and the comment stored for that new rule is then used for the preview and the import.

It is the RULE's comment that is used every time when doing the preview and the import, not the original comment from the CSV file.

I need the original comment used when doing the preview and especially when doing the actual import.

I can send you a sample CSV file, if you need to work with one to verify my finding.

Thx for your help. I really appreciate it.


Staff member
Yes, send me the file because I import stuff very often myself, and the comment is always imported. Not sure why you have that problem. It is an unknown issue that needs to be investigated.


New Member
ok Stan, I've attached 2 files. Both are fake data but should reveal the problem that I have shown.
1st file: Jan012021_JAN312021_copy: it will be necessary to set up your rules. Those Rules will have comments.
2nd file: FEB012021_FEB012021_copy will have the exact same transactions with NEW COMMENTS for every transaction.

The test will be to see in the Preview Window during the PREVIEW of importing the 2nd file, does Preview show the NEW COMMENT from the 2nd file in the Preview Window. My version does not.

I had to change the .csv file name extension to .txt in order to post files to this thread. You must change the .txt file name extension back to .csv so that they may be imported correctly.

Thx again Stan


  • JAN012021_JAN312021_copy.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 6
  • FEB012021_FEB012021_copy.txt
    2.1 KB · Views: 2


Staff member
Sorry, I thought I responded, my bad. I believed I asked you to check another format for separators, tab-delimited files. Are you able to create tab-delimited files?


New Member
Hey Stan,
no I cannot change my banks output files. they are pdf, csv or excel formats. your app imports the csv it just uses the wrong comment. the comment being used is from the RULE and not the CSV file. Can you fix that one problem?