iCash stopped working, it will not open on my MAC


New Member
My iCash has stopped working on my MacBook Air running mavericks OSX 10.9.5
When I click on the application it starts to load and after a second shuts down again.
I have checked disc space 45Gb free. Rebooted numerous times. Downloaded and installed the latest version 7.5.1.
All other applications that I usually use are OK e.g. Mail, Pages, Numbers and Keynote.

In the last week I had to run a disk repair which has made MBair run faster and I have run iCash since and it was OK.

I have no idea now what to do next. Any suggestions?


New Member
Thanks for the reply.

I can find no such .plist files for MaxProg or iCash in the path suggested. I have also searched for the file using spotlight and search and came up with a blank. Maybe that is the problem.



New Member
I have now checked my backup files in Time Machine and there were no preference files a month ago either. Since my iCash has been working for the last month OK this cannot be the problem.


Staff member
It would be interesting to see the crash log. Launch the Mac OS X Console located in the 'Applications/Utilities' folder. Expand 'User Diagnostic Reports'. You should see iCash entries. Click on the most recent one. You will see the crash log on the right. The valuable info is under 'Thread 0 crashed', other threads info is useless since iCash works on thread 0 only. You should get 10, 20, or perhaps 30 lines. Please paste them here.


New Member
Thanks for the help. Here is the list of data as you requested. This was taken after I have completed all of the items on the FAQ Max Prog site with the exception of a complete reload of OSX.

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x935e14c4 _platform_memmove$VARIANT$sse42 + 436
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x9b4058ce __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2654
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x9b41e5fa CFStringCreateWithSubstring + 458
3 rbframework.dylib 0x01c9dfe5 0x1c37000 + 421861
4 rbframework.dylib 0x01c9e0fc 0x1c37000 + 422140
5 rbframework.dylib 0x01c64639 dateSQLDateGetter + 153
6 com.maxprog.icash 0x00068ee2 Date.SQLDate.Get%s%o<Date>i4 + 71
7 com.maxprog.icash 0x003aabf5 Main.Prefs_Load%%o<Main> + 3875
8 com.maxprog.icash 0x003a7bcf Main.Event_Open%%o<Main> + 3197
9 rbframework.dylib 0x01c8b525 0x1c37000 + 345381
10 com.maxprog.icash 0x0004289b Delegate.Invoke%% + 34
11 com.maxprog.icash 0x000e42f7 Application._CallFunctionWithExceptionHandling%%o<Application>p + 248
12 rbframework.dylib 0x01cbe4a4 0x1c37000 + 554148
13 rbframework.dylib 0x01c89c42 0x1c37000 + 339010
14 com.maxprog.icash 0x002151df REALbasic._RuntimeRegisterAppObject%%o<Application> + 48
15 com.maxprog.icash 0x0000283a _NewAppInstance + 238
16 com.maxprog.icash 0x00005857 _Startup + 52
17 rbframework.dylib 0x01c89a06 RunFrameworkInitialization + 102
18 com.maxprog.icash 0x00214ffd REALbasic._RunFrameworkInitialization%%p + 42
19 com.maxprog.icash 0x00005988 _Main + 218
20 com.maxprog.icash 0x000025bc % main + 36
21 com.maxprog.icash 0x019c09f9 _start + 116
22 com.maxprog.icash 0x019c094f start + 43


Staff member
The crash seems to come from preference loading. What preference file have you removed?


New Member
Hi thanks for looking at the big file.

When I first looked for the .plist files they did not exist. That also includes looking for them on my Time machine backup. I looked for them manually and using SEARCH.

After a recent installation they now do exist. However when I remove them or edit them to nothing still the same happens. I have removed them tried to load iCash still it crashes. I then re-installed iCash and put the preferences file back and there is no difference.

Incidentally there seem to be 2 files related to preferences:
One in the ../Preferences/MaxProg/iCash/Preferences (note it has no .plist or any other file type)

One in ...../Preferences/com.maxprog.icash.plist

Thanks again.. Alan


Staff member
Have you tried to delete the iCash preference file? not the plist. It is located here:


New Member
Yes I have done that with no result.

I have just finished scanning my computer for any malware with no problems shown.

I have now moved iCash to my wife's computer where it works. Not very convenient but it is better than running blind on my numerous international bank accounts.

I have also secured the use of a another MAC for a short period of time which will allow me to re-build my MacBook Air where the problem lies. I could not afford to be without a computer for more than a day as I use it for work.

Thanks for all of your help.



New Member
I have now sorted the problem as it was as you suggested related to date formats.

Thanks for your help.

Alan :D


Hola, que formato de fecha tiene que mostrar el sistema?. Pues mi cash sigue con el problema de tardar mucho en abrir, como ya expuse hace tiempo sin poder solucionar el problema.


Staff member
Me refiero a:

1.- Doble click sobre el icono de iCash (=Apertura de la aplicación sola).
2.- Una vez abierto, doble-click sobre el documento en el administrador de archivos de iCash

Entre 1 y 2, dónde ve esta lentitud?


Creo que es el programa, pues al hacer doble clic en el icono tarda i sale un mensaje que dice.ERROR UPDATING DATABASE SCHEMA 0. y al abrir el documento va r√°pido.


Staff member
¬øTiene fijado un documento por defecto? Lo digo porque iCash no abre ning√∫n documento si no le ha dicho que lo haga. El error 'ERROR UPDATING DATABASE SCHEMA 0' solo puede ocurrir al abrir un documento.


tengo puesto por defecto, el gestor de documento abre r√°pido, pero al abrir el documento es cuando tarda, probadas todas las herramienta sin resultado.