The following transaction seems quite unambiguous to me, but eMail Verifier tries again (twice) with the same result, and then returns a green tick and the message "Looks valid" against the address. Am I missing something here?
Also, is there any way to stop it sending HELO []? It should be able to figure out its own domain, or have some way to be told.
[01] 12/12 17:38:53 MX <[email protected]> -> [,,,]
[01] 12/12 17:38:53 > CONNECT TO: []
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 ESMTP mail_relay_in-yi3.8; Tue, 12 Dec 2006 19:39:07 -0500
220-America Online (AOL) and its affiliated companies do not
220- authorize the use of its proprietary computers and computer
220- networks to accept, transmit, or distribute unsolicited bulk
220- e-mail sent from the internet. Effective immediately: AOL
220- may no longer accept connections from IP addresses which
220 have no reverse-DNS (PTR record) assigned.
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 > HELO []
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 250 OK
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 250 OK
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 550 We would love to have gotten this email to [email protected]. But, your recipient never logged onto their free AIM Mail account. Please contact them and let them know that they're missing out on all the super features offered by AIM Mail. And by the way, they're also missing out on your email. Thanks.
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 221 SERVICE CLOSING CHANNEL
Also, is there any way to stop it sending HELO []? It should be able to figure out its own domain, or have some way to be told.
[01] 12/12 17:38:53 MX <[email protected]> -> [,,,]
[01] 12/12 17:38:53 > CONNECT TO: []
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 ESMTP mail_relay_in-yi3.8; Tue, 12 Dec 2006 19:39:07 -0500
220-America Online (AOL) and its affiliated companies do not
220- authorize the use of its proprietary computers and computer
220- networks to accept, transmit, or distribute unsolicited bulk
220- e-mail sent from the internet. Effective immediately: AOL
220- may no longer accept connections from IP addresses which
220 have no reverse-DNS (PTR record) assigned.
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 > HELO []
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 250 OK
[01] 12/12 17:38:56 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 250 OK
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 550 We would love to have gotten this email to [email protected]. But, your recipient never logged onto their free AIM Mail account. Please contact them and let them know that they're missing out on all the super features offered by AIM Mail. And by the way, they're also missing out on your email. Thanks.
[01] 12/12 17:38:57 221 SERVICE CLOSING CHANNEL