EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original data


New Member
We've imported a list (.txt excel doc with columns).
We run the scan, but when you export, saving the Results ticking 'Original Data', we only have a .txt doc with only one column (of names), all original columns are gone.


Staff member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

When you export data, there is an option to save as the original data, do you mean that option doesn't work for you? What do you get saved?

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New Member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

That's right. When I choose to save 'original datas' I just get an excel file with 1 column only.

just the first names under 'email address' column ...


New Member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

This problem occurred since we upgraded the program. Never had this problem before then


Staff member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

I haven't changed the import code in a lot of time so I will ask you to make sure your file is tab delimited, right encoding, one record per line. You can open a support ticket and send me the file.

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New Member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

No, nothing.
I upload a .txt file (Tab Delimited text). It runs the scan, then when I export I just have one column with names.

I try to send you the file (if I can work it out how)


New Member
Re: EMAil Verifier doesn't export the Results with Original

Here you are the file I am trying to export after email verification.

I uploaded the file. Run the scan. Then when I export (original datas) I just get a file with names only (one column) .