Deleting recipients from Mac OS X Mail


New Member
Hi, I've read following linked articles, and tried to delete recipents from Mac OS X Mail.
I ran the script with Apple Script Editor (default), (location: example/AppleScript/Mac OS X Mail import), and specified mailbox name. It did not give back any error message and nothing happens. No emails were deleted.

How do I use this feature? I also tried import button or import menu, and selected "From Apple Mail", and realized it was only for adding email addresses not deleting. ... _email.php ... pients.php


New Member
I'm trying to delete email addresses from list by following below instruction posted on FAQ. I have a mail folder contains emails requesting unsubscribe or delivery failure, and thought this feature below can automatically delete email addresses from list, instead of deleting addresses one by one manually.

"Recipients subscribe and unsubscribe by e-mail"
"You can simply handle subscriptions through e-mails, gathering them all to a folder using rules and using a couple of AppleScripts we wrote for adding or deleting addresses from a Mac OS X Mail folder. They are called 'Adding recipients from Mac OS X Mail' and 'Deleting recipients from Mac OS X Mail'. Those scripts come with MaxBulk distribution, inside the example/AppleScript/Mac OS X Mail import folder and are also accessible from both the import menu and import button. They are very easy to modify if you need to and automatically process a given Mail folder and takes the From and Reply-To headers using their contents to add/remove the addresses from the currently selected MaxBulk list." ... _email.php