We'd like to send e-mails out to customers inviting them to participate in our online survey. We use Typeform. Each customer will have an individual html link to their survey, and I've successfully added that as a tag just using Opt 1. Everything works great, but when the recipient clicks on the link to the survey, it changes and no longer matches what's in the Opt 1 field. It seems to add the LM tracking url before the survey link.
Questions is, can I safely turn off the click-through tracking option for these types of e-mail sends, since it's a custom survey, without messing it up in the future for other types of my usual marketing e-mail sends?
Questions is, can I safely turn off the click-through tracking option for these types of e-mail sends, since it's a custom survey, without messing it up in the future for other types of my usual marketing e-mail sends?