Click through tracking doesnt´t work


Here you can see the screenshots where you asked about.
Oldest mailings shown there are from 2012 and a lot of mailings are not shown in the windows-history.
You can see that for example 461 (what i sent several days ago) is online but not in the history.
Maybe there is a problem because i changed serial numbers several weeks ago, but loaded old mailings and worked ahead with them?

Edit: Maybe the problems also come from that i changed the email address where i send from about a year ago?

Bildschirmfoto 2018-12-03 um 13.28.40.jpgBildschirmfoto 2018-12-03 um 13.26.56.jpg
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Staff member
The only way to remove given deliveries from the list is selecting them in that list and clicking on the 'Delete' button. When you change computer or system account everything will be reseted locally to 1 but not in MLM. This the reason I developed a setting Import/Export system, to transfer the history file. Changing the serial number doesn't modify the delivery list. Changing the email address either actually.

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Okay but i didn´t press the delete button. I have no idea why it is like that. Maybe there is a bug, but that´s not the problem if we find a solution.
What can i do now?


Staff member
Actually I am giving you ideas to find out where the problem could come from. A bug would be that the history file changed permissions during 3xx deliveries then turned back to normal. Note sure how that could be possible.

About a solution, would you mind to start over? I mean, reset delivery to 1 and delete the MLM database?

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Hi Stan, How shall i delete the MLM database?
Delete everything with filezilla and install new?
Delete the mysql database in the backend of my webspace as well?
Not delete and re-install maxbulk mailer totally?


Staff member
Yes, I would reinstall everything. About MaxBulk Mailer you should even delete the preferences and the history file so it starts from 1. I can give you directions, can you tell me again what is your operating system? macOS xx? What version? Also please tell me what version of MLM you are suing right now.

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