554 Denied - What does it mean?


New Member
I keep getting this message, and I have no idea what it means... Can someone please help!!!

01] 4/13 12:21:20 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1
entries to acterra.org
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 ~ Status: Connected
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 220 mx18.stngva01.us.mxservers.net
ESMTP mxl_mta-1.3.8-10p4; Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:24:32
-0400 (EDT); NO UCE
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 > HELO acterra.org
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 250 mx18.stngva01.us.mxservers.net
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 > MAIL
FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 250 Sender Ok
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 250 [email protected] ok (normal)
[01] 4/13 12:21:20 354 Start mail input; end with
[01] 4/13 12:21:25 554 Denied
[01] 4/13 12:21:25 ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 4/13 12:21:25 > QUIT
[01] 4/13 12:21:25 221 mx18.stngva01.us.mxservers.net
Service closing transmission channel
[00] 4/13 12:21:25 ~ Status:
[00] 4/13 12:21:25 ~ Status: Closing all streams
[00] 4/13 12:21:25 ~ Status: Creating report...
[00] 4/13 12:21:25 ~ Status: Sending report...


Staff member
It means you are trying to send e-mails without authenticating first. Try to use ESMTP authentication with your User ID and password.


New Member
not sure what that means

honestly, your suggestion is a bit greek to me...

I haven't changed anything from how I usually send this, which is to say that i don't have any authentication process ever marked in the settings portion of the email.

What i have tested is that if I only send one word in the body of this html email, it goes through as opposed to my full message.

can you explain why the authentication would change - meaning, why would i need to do this?

and i'm not sure that that is the problem given that when i shorten the message without the ESMTP info, it goes through.



Staff member
Authentication is to be granted to send thru a server. I guess you are already authenticating with your regular mail reader, don't you? It can also be a problem with the message size. What size is the message?


New Member

message size is about 47k - however, I have sent messages this size before...
is this too big? it seems that when it's sending that it stalls for a bit when it says "sending body text"

could that mean that the authenticating isn't happening b/c it's taking too long to happen?

could it be taking too because of a server backup - we share the server?
could it be taking too long b/c of traffic on our T1 line?


Staff member
Have you contacted your ISP about that? Actually they are the only ones that can explain that error.


New Member
554 Denied error in MaxBulk Mailer Pro

I have a user who is getting the exact same error message. It's not consistent. It seems to be related to inline attachments.

I have sent the MaxMailer file that I used successfully to the user, when they use it, it fails. Same settings, same message, same recipients.

Message is created in Pro as styled text.

The 8K image file will send correctly through Entourage, but not as an inline image when sent through MaxMailer.

Is this a problem with the way the file is being converted to HTML from styled text?

Login is fine, authentication is fine.....

00] 9/14 16:13:05 --> Connecting socket with ifg.org
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 +OK POP3 [] v2000.70 server ready
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 > USER ******
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 +OK User name accepted, password please
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 > PASS *******
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 +OK Mailbox open, 0 messages
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 > QUIT
[01] 9/14 16:13:06 --> Connecting socket [1] with 2 entries to smtp.ifg.org Port:25
[01] 9/14 16:13:06  ~ Status: Connected
[00] 9/14 16:13:06 +OK Sayonara
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 220 mx00.stngva01.us.mxservers.net ESMTP mxl_mta-1.3.8-10p4; Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:13:06 -0400 (EDT); NO UCE
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 > HELO iBook.local
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 250 mx00.stngva01.us.mxservers.net
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 250 Sender Ok
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/2]
[01] 9/14 16:13:07 250 [email protected] ok (normal)
[01] 9/14 16:13:08 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
[00] 9/14 16:13:08  ~ Status: Sending attachment "image-2.jpg"
[01] 9/14 16:13:09 554 Denied
[01] 9/14 16:13:09 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 9/14 16:13:10 250 Sender Ok
[01] 9/14 16:13:10 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [2/2]
[01] 9/14 16:13:10 250 [email protected] ok (normal)
[01] 9/14 16:13:10 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
[00] 9/14 16:13:10  ~ Status: Sending attachment "image-2.jpg"
[01] 9/14 16:13:11 554 Denied
[01] 9/14 16:13:11  ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done [3/2]
[01] 9/14 16:13:12 > QUIT
[01] 9/14 16:13:13 221 mx00.stngva01.us.mxservers.net Service closing transmission channel
[01] 9/14 16:13:13  ~ Status: Stage 4 dispatch done [3/2]
[00] 9/14 16:13:13  ~ Status: [-????]
[00] 9/14 16:13:13  ~ Status: Closing all streams


New Member
It's not an issue of POP vs. ESMTP authentication (as noted as solutions for other people.)

Verio is the mail host.


New Member
The user was successful when sending the image file as an attachment, but it fails with 554 Denied, when the same image is inserted inline.

What gives?


Staff member
Have you tried to rename you image a different way? In last instance it is possible you server doesn't accept inline images or at least not in the MHTML form as MaxBulk does. Only the server postmaster could respond to that question though. Do you have the possibility to ask?


New Member
I am able to send inline images just fine through the account on one Mac (10.4.7).

On another Mac (10.3.9), the inline images are having problems.

I am now at the 10.3.9 Mac and will do more tests with different images. I will also check on file nameing to see if that is the issue.


New Member
testing inline images against "554: denied" errors

All messages sent using ifgindigen account at ifg.org to one person at yahoo
All messages created in Pro using Format: STYLED TEXT, unless otherwise stated.
Pwars-front-cover.jpg is dragged and dropped from the desktop MaxMailer.
Full text of Word Doc: Characters = 4871, Words = 771, Paragraphs = 44, Lines = 113

Failure message always is the same:
[00] 9/15 14:19:56 ~ Status: Sending attachment "PWars-front-cover.jpg"
[01] 9/15 14:19:58 554 Denied

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-680K pdf as attached

-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-one line of text above and below inline image (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-one line of text above and below inline image (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-680K pdf as attached

-full text of mailing (new cut and paste from Word 2004)

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-680K pdf as attached

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-680K pdf as attached

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-DELETED BEFORE SENDING -> 680K pdf as attached

-deleted all text below inline image
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-cut and paste text from word, before the image
-cut and paste text from word, after the image
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-680K pdf as attached

-cut and paste text from word into text edit, then cut and paste into MaxMailer
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

SUCCESS (send success, but is plain text, so not usable.)
-cut and paste text from word into text edit, then cut and paste into MaxMailer
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-sent as PLAIN TEXT

SUCCESS/FAILED (send success, but no attachment, inline file is text in message received.)
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline
-formatted the inline file text {File:"PWars-front-cover.jpg"}

-saved word doc WITHOUT images, then cut and paste the text

-saved word doc WITHOUT images, then cut and paste the text
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-saved word doc WITHOUT images, then cut and paste the text
-REMOVED text before the inline image
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-saved word doc WITHOUT images, then cut and paste the text
-REMOVED text before the inline image
-REMOVED some of the text after the inline image
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-REMOVED bold formatting in empty space where inline image goes
-REMOVED spaces in empty space where inline image goes
-REDUCED carriage returns to from 2 to 1 in empty space where inline image goes
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-Text alone works
-Inline image without any text works
-PDF attachment (not inline image) has no effect
-Inline image where it's supposed to reside in full text never works

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-REMOVED all full paragraphs (kept starting text)
-All text left was one line only, no word-wrapping
-Characters = 186, Words = 29, Paragraphs = 7, Lines = 11
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-REMOVED starting text (kept full paragraphs)
-Characters = 4685, Words = 740, Paragraphs = 37, Lines = 111
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline (cut/paste between 1st and 2nd paragraphs)

-full text of mailing (cut and paste from Word 2004)
-REMOVED starting text (kept full paragraphs)
-REDUCED text from above test to just two paragraphs
-Characters = 408, Words = 77, Paragraphs = 2, Lines = 8
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline (cut/paste between 1st and 2nd paragraphs)

-cut and paste some middle paragraphs
-text cut from Word included bullet indentation formatting
-Characters = 1180, Words = 201, Paragraphs = 4, Lines = 21
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline (cut/paste between 1st and 2nd paragraphs)

-cut and paste from Word - used the same line of text over and over
-Characters = 7584, Words = 1100, Paragraphs = 158, Lines = 323
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline (cut/paste between 1st and 2nd paragraphs)

-cut and paste from Word - used the same line of text over and over
-Characters = 15000, Words = 2200, Paragraphs = 1, Lines = 190
-"PWars-front-cover.jpg" (18K) inline (cut/paste between the text somewhere)

-quantity of text is not an issue
-Failures must be related to the formatting within Word, before the cut and paste


New Member
Summary (cut from above post)

-Text alone works
-Inline image without any text works
-PDF attachment (not inline image) has no effect
-Inline image where it's supposed to reside in full text (of cut and past from formatted MS Word file) never works

-quantity of text is not an issue
-Failures must be related to the formatting within Word, before the cut and paste.

-----> turns out that the 554 denied error was ISP/Mail Host related. see page 2 of this topic.


Staff member
I would recommend you not to use Word to create this message and check the result. Word uses a lot of invisible control characters that can produce unexpected effects. Note that inline attachments in styled text can only be pictures, you can't use a PDF.


New Member

PDFs are only being attached, graphics are being dropped inline.

Part of the probem is that Maxmailer on a 500Mhz G3 ibook is slow as molasses when typing. And that is after shutting down every other application. When other applications are running, it can take 10 seconds to type a word.

The other problem is that the files are being created, edited, and styled in Word. Users are collaborating on the content of Word files that are being shared and moved around. A long file is going to be a pain to edit over and over in MaxMailer as changes are made to the Word file. Even in a single user environment it's extra work. In a group environment, Word is the standard and that is how work is created and edited.

I tried copying from MS Word to TextEdit (RTF mode). Saving, then copy to MaxMailer. That didn't help.

Are you suggesting copy from Word to something like BBEdit? That would be the same as saving the Word file to TextOnly. Either way, all formatting would have to be done in MaxMailer.


New Member

MS Word is the most popular text editor in the world, yet there is no mention of these "known" problems of cut/paste between MaxBulk Mailer and Word.

Every other part of the program is great. I recommended it to my client after evaluating many other programs. Inline images and styled text were a big selling point. Only after spending time learning it and teaching the program to the client, did we run across the bug....just as a campaign was supposed to be sent out the door. Everything looked fine, then hours of troubleshooting ensued after the 554 error.

I just rechecked your documentation.....

1. Under composing a message, it says "You can drop text files or paste text from any other text editor to the message field as well."

2. Under Message Formats > Styled Text (Pro), it says, "MaxBulk Mailer converts all the text into HTML code".

3. Attachments > Inline Attachments, it says: "MaxBulk supports inline attachments and inline pictures in the message body."

Considering that Styled Text is only in the "Pro" version which costs more, and the populatiry of MS Word, you should really have notes and warnings about using MaxBulk with MS Word in your documentation, and probablly even in the sales literature.


New Member
stanbusk said:
I would recommend you not to use Word to create this message and check the result. Word uses a lot of invisible control characters that can produce unexpected effects. Note that inline attachments in styled text can only be pictures, you can't use a PDF.


Where do you "recommend avoiding using Word to create messages"? I just re-read your last post. I didn't see it in the docs or on the product site.

It's good to know that you recognize the problem with cut and paste between Word and Maxmailer, or else I might have spent more time trying to find the magic combination that worked.


Staff member
Let's see.

#1 The MHTML format is what we use to send Styled Text and HTML with inline pictures. Using attachments (not inline) with such format is not recommended because some applications will not render the whole message properly. Use a link to your PDF document on your site instead.

#2 MaxBulk being slow when typing is a system issue. If you use MaxBulk in a different account on your system or reinstall that system you will find out the problem disappears. As far as I know it comes from duplicates or corrupted fonts.

#3 No problem if you use Word but if you want to avoid problems, copy the text, paste it the TextWrangler or BBEdit, select all and use the Zap Gremlins function. I have seen a lot of customers using Word without problems and without doing anything other than copying and pasting text as is. The problem I think is some control character that is transmitted to MaxBulk thru the clipboard. Some characters are forbidden in an e-mail message.

#4 There is not a known or unknown problem with Word. There are rare occasions where copying and pasting from Word can give problems. Right now I am not sure where it comes from but the problems I have seen so far just caused some little glitches to styles, not a 554 error. What you could do is to first try with the MaxBulk document that gives problem and remove half the text, Then try again. If it still doesn't work remove more text. You can do that until it works. Then try to localize the exact place it fails. It would be interesting to see what character or if invisible the character code that is causing that. An other good idea is to contact your postmaster and ask what the error 554 means and why you get it.

I repeat again, we do not say anywhere anything about incompatibilities with Word because it is not the case. I would say more that 50% MaxBulk customers use MaxBulk with Word. It is not a bug either. First we should pinpoint where your problem actually is, and then add a filter or something to MaxBulk. Note that MaxBulk already filters a lot of forbidden characters.