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  1. E

    How to include List-Unsubscribe in marketing emails.

    Use of list-unsubscribe to improve inbox delivery Need include List-Unsubscribe headers in the email, in MaxBulk mailer -> preference->Headers I added List-Unsubscribe value [Unsubscribe] so in the email view source I can see in header field List-Unsubscribe: <a...
  2. E

    Improve SPAM score -include Plaint Text in email (HTML)

    As per so many mail server requirement and spam score. Email should include plain text in HTML version emails. Now I sending marketing emails 'HTML only' mode so I getting bad spam scoring, to improve spam scoring I need include the plain text also and what is the best way to insert plant text...
  3. E

    is DNS Response correct for

    I running email verifier. I notice following DNS resolve response. when is domain [email protected]. it took part only. but same pc nslookup given correct results. See the screen shots. ... jZNcTNQYzA Can you explain? I doubt like domain may be...
  4. E

    eMail Verifier 3.7-US stop processing in the middle

    I'm purchased Ultimate E-mail Toolkit v8 last month. Im running eMail Verifier 3.7-US, I have desktop PC running Win 764 bit Pro, Core i3, 8GB RAM. for this application Avast Firewall open for the folder of installation. All ports IN/OUT, and Avast Antivirus excluded list. Windows Firewall is...