Which mail server to use

Central Designs

New Member
Hi there

I'm new to MaxBulk Mailer and need some advice on which mail server to use please.

I'm sending out some emails on behalf of another company (lets call it ABC.com). The From address will be [email protected] and an error address also at the ABC.com domain.

I'm having relay problems connecting to their mail server (smtp.ABC.com).

What are the implications of sending the emails out using my company's mail server (lets call it XYZ.com)?

Will the emails be seen as spam or rejected by the recipients email server/program?

I have read about reverse look up, but don't know to what extent using a different mail server will affect my campaign...

Any advice, views would be very welcome :)


Staff member
You can use your internet service provider (ISP) mail server, your web mail server (if you own a web) or a dedicated mail server.

Your ISP mail server may have a delivery limit per hour or per day. MaxBulk Mailer can deal with that as explained here but the delivery will not go as fast as it could go. Note that some ISPs like Comcast offer business accounts with greater possibilities for a small monthly fee.

Your web server may also have limits but it is less common and you always have the possibility to contact the postmaster to explain what you want to do, especially if your list is big. It is also a good idea to send at a slower pace to avoid problems.

Dedicated mail servers are the best choice but they are not free. It all depends on the nature of your message and your list size. If you run a business I guess it is the best for sending commercial messages. Here is the list of the services I know:

- Unified Email
- Authsmtp
- SMTP.com
- MailJet
- SendGrid
- Email Server Hosting