What happens upon unsubscribe with MLM?

What happens in MaxBulk Mailer when a user unsubscribes via MLM? Do they simply get removed from a list, or do they get added to the global blacklist?

If they do not get added to the blacklist, is there a way for this to happen? Ideally, this is what I want to happen:

I add my contacts to MLM. A user unsubscribes if they don't want my newsletter and gets added to a blacklist. I find older contact lists that I want to add to MLM, but if that specific user happens to be on one of those lists, they won't get added back to my newsletter, because they have already asked to be unsubscribed, and therefore blacklisted.

Is this possible?


Staff member
What happens in MaxBulk Mailer when a user unsubscribes via MLM? Do they simply get removed from a list, or do they get added to the global blacklist?
If the list is remote, on your server, unsubscribed addresses are deleted. If the list is local they are unsubscribed. I did it that way to maintain the remote list as small as possible but in a near future you will be able to alter this behavior. Right now to add a recipient to the blacklist you have to do it manually.
Ok because this was confusing me. So let me paint a picture for you: I select all of my remote lists, thus creating one large list of active recipients. I drag my unsubscribe.txt into the window and unsubscribe a bunch of those recipients. So are you saying that will automatically delete them from the remote lists for good? Because when I change the list view it asks me if I want to save the newly created list, which I kind of understand, but is also kind of confusing.

So basically, after I perform that action, if I exit MBM on the spot without saving anything, those contacts I just unsubscribed will remain unsubscribed from my remote lists, right?

One reason this is so confusing to me is that yesterday let's say I selected 20,000 contacts to send to from various remote lists. I then dragged unsubscribe.txt containing 500 contacts into the recipient window, thus making my active contact number 19,500 out of 20,000 total contacts. Then, without saving this new list of recipients, I clicked through some local lists just looking around, then went back to the exact same remote contact lists -- and when I selected them the second time, it said that I had selected 20,000 contacts out of 20,000 contacts. How is this possible if I had previously unsubscribed 500 of them? Aren't you saying it should automatically save that change? Because I performed the unsubscribe action again, and it said the same as before, that I had selected 19,500 out of 20,000 contacts.

Since I always need to send from remote lists to stay current, I ended up saving all of the names in the unsubscribe list just because I was too scared to remove them by the chance that they wouldn't remain unsubscribed and then next time I sent an email, I would just have to add to the bottom of that list and unsubscribe the entire list all over again. I really hope that's not the case, because then the only way I can see to get around it would be adding the users who unsubscribe to the blacklist, which I try to avoid unless absolutely necessary.

You get all that ^ ?


Staff member
Ok because this was confusing me. So let me paint a picture for you: I select all of my remote lists, thus creating one large list of active recipients. I drag my unsubscribe.txt into the window and unsubscribe a bunch of those recipients. So are you saying that will automatically delete them from the remote lists for good?
Not at all. If you do that you will create a new list. You have to clean one list at a time and use the 'Recipient > Upload to MLM' menu for each of them.
So basically, after I perform that action, if I exit MBM on the spot without saving anything, those contacts I just unsubscribed will remain unsubscribed from my remote lists, right?
Not at all, if you modify a list, you have to upload it to MLM again. Nothing is saved to MLM until you use the 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' menu.

MaxBulk Mailer just download remote lists for you to send messages. If changes are required, upload the list when you are finished with them. There is no automatic synchronization here. The only thing you can do is deleting single recipients with the list contextual menu.

Note that MLM has been designed as an OPT-IN system. With such system you should never need to edit your lists the way you do. Indeed, users subscribes if they want using MLM and user unsubscribe if they want using MLM. You are trying to use MLM another way, to synchronize local and remote lists and mixing lists from different origins. This is what I understand. I have nothing against that but I did not design MLM with that in mind.

There are plans to add some degree of synchronization, especially when you edit an entry, it would be great if that change would be saved to the remote list as well. Now, if you make 500 changes or deletion the batch way, synchronization would be a full save/upload.