Version 8.46

I don't know what's going on but ever since version 8.45 this program is just stopped working for me. When I go to deliver the mail it constantly comes up with errors and the solution offered by this the server doesn't seem to do any good. I thought before six that is version 4.6 the things would improve but they've actually gotten worse.

Stan I'm on a Macintosh using system 10.9.1. Is that the problem?

If not how I get my hands on version 8.4.4 because that was the last one I had at work all the time. I don't know if you're rebuilding this program from scratch if you just modifying it from the existing code every time now for the last two iterations I've had nothing but problems and I've not been able to use the program. I need some capital HELP!

I'm just trying to send out my Christmas greetings.
Jim G


Staff member
No, I did not rebuild anything, I did not change any library, I did not change the compiler and I did not chane the connection code. What kind of error do you get in delivery panel.