Version 7.5.4 is crashing for me


Hi Stan,

I have used iCash for years, very happily, and have always upgraded to the latest version without any problems.

Now however, 7.5.4 crashes for me - and I have tried it twice with a reboot in between, and it crashes in exactly the same place, as follows:

1) start to enter a new transation
2) under transaction type I start typing "Re" for refund. Under 7.5.3 this would autocomplete. Now, with the change to comboboxes, I need to select "Refund" from the combobox - I do this by pressing down arrow to highlight the first item in the combobox, then tab to choose it.
3) I am then in the source account box, and start doing the same. I type "xy" for an account called "xyz" - "xyz" is then shown in the combobox, I press the down arrow - and crash.

The crash seems very severe (both times), because the entire system stops, not just iCash. iCash after a little bit puts out a message saying "iCash 7.5.4 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available", with a "Close Program" button.

However, the "Close Program" button does nothing. The only thing I can still do is ctrl-alt-del, and for example select the Task Manager. However the Task Manager cannot even come up with any details - it is locked out of CPU I think. The second time I did it, I made sure I had the Task Manager open before I tried using iCash - but after the crash the Task Manager become totally unresponsive - as did everything else on the system.

I am running Windows 7, 64 bit.

I have now reinstalled 7.5.3 and things are back to normal.

Kind regards,


Staff member
Have you checked your document? reindex it? The transaction type should autocomplete as usual, yes we use now combo box but the also should auto-complete.


No I didn't re-index the document. (But I have gone back to 7.5.3 with the same document, without any problems). In 7.5.4, it was autocompleting in the sense that as I typed, the options in the combobox were reducing to those entries that were suitable, so I had no trouble with that.

The problem was that when I pressed the down arrow to select one, I got the fatal crash on my system, and I managed to reproduce it by doing the exact same thing after a full restart of my system.


Staff member
You should check you document and reindex it. All the arrow key does is a SQL query to find transaction types matches.


Staff member
Downgrade to 7.5.3, we have indeed find a issue and we are working on it. I will let you know as soon as we get it fixed.


Hi Stan,

I am grateful that you are looking into it. I am fine with 7.5.3 for the moment, and will wait until you let us know that it is ok to try 7.5.4 again.

Could I suggest that you remove version 7.5.4 from the Downloads page though? To prevent other people from downloading and crashing as well, given that you are currently still working on it?



Staff member
Yes, we removed that version and restored 7.5.3 Windows version until we are ready. The problem is almost fixed. The entry fields have been rewritten so they work the same way on Windows and Mac OS, and the same way as before ... :)