Using a webpage as the email


New Member
I am looking at sending a newsletter each day. I will be revising my webpage each day as the first page of the newsletter. I noted that there is a feature to allow webpages to be used as the email. Could you provide more information? e


Staff member
Select the 'Web Page' format and paste the URL of the page you want to send in the message body. That's all. I recommend you to test it first!


New Member
I want to use an email page also but want to have the unsubscribe facility functioning. So far I have tried by adding List-Unsubscibe in the Header but that facility shows in Preview but doesn't go out with the email. Also, I have added the tag [Unsubscribe] after the URL details in the message & that doesn't show up either.

What am I doing wrong? Help please.


Staff member
You have to add the [Unsubscribe] tag to the HTML code itself. This is the only way.