Uploading To MLM Fails Every Time

Every time I try to upload a contact list of significant size, MLM always sends an error message to MBM. I've tried doing through the web interface as well. I've tried all of the upload settings -- especially the lowest setting because I heard it was the go-to setting for those having errors. This is a very annoying problem. How do I work around this?

...Oh, and the contact list I'm having trouble with is only around 3,500 addresses. I use Bluehost as a web host. MLM is using MySQL. If that helps at all.


Staff member
Yes, that's to overcome the PHP interpreter limitations actually. A script only can be running a very limited amount of time. This time along with other settings can be set trhu the php.ini file. In many servers you don't have access to that file, especially in shared hosting packages.


Staff member
Anyway we are optimizing the MLM code for list upload. The nest version should be faster and better.