Hi there.
Just bought MaxBulk Mailer. Installed and registred 8.5 RU version. Created new database.
Installed MLM on web-server.
Changed lm_settings MySQL host to 'localhost'
GetInfo command answers:
MLM version: 3.1.6
PHP version: 5.5.0 (Safe mode OFF)
max_execution_time = 1800 seconds
max_input_time = 60 seconds
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 50M
upload_max_filesize = 50M
display_errors = off
register_globals =
path_to_script = http://doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php
working_directory = /home/doorsistem/domains/doorsistems.ru/public_html/lm
total lists = 1
total recipients = 3
total deliveries = 0
MLM folder permissions = 0777
mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0755
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755
mySQL Host: Localhost via UNIX socket
mySQL Server: 5.6.19-67.0
mySQL Client: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 40933630edef551dfaca71298a83fad8d03d62d4 $
mySQL Protocol: 10
mySQL Charset: utf8
Diagnose command answers:
MLM 3.1.6 diagnose ran on 2015-09-08 at 15:47:55
request_uri = http://www.doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php?cmd=diagnose&pwd=-----
path_to_script = http://www.doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php
working_directory = /home/doorsistem/domains/doorsistems.ru/public_html/lm
mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0755
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755
#1 mysql_connect( localhost, doorsistem_deal4, -----, doorsistem_dealers4 )
-> Connection OK!
#2 mysql_select_db( doorsistem_dealers4 )
-> Database selection OK!
#3 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_req` WHERE `fld_sub` = '0' )
-> Query OK!
#4 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub` WHERE `fld_list` = '' )
-> Query OK!
#5 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_clk` WHERE `fld_delivery` = '' )
-> Query OK!
#6 1 list(s), 3 recipient(s), 0 deliveries
-> No error found.
Lists (List Name | Total Recipients | Modification Date):
companies4 | 3 | 2015-09-08 15:36:33
Changed lm_prefs
$unsub_keep = true; // Keep unsubscribed emails in lists (as unsubscribed)
$unsub_confirm = false; // Ask user to confirm unsubscribe
$unsub_silent = true; // Unsubscribe without notification email
The problem is after unsubscription user disappears from the database and from the remote list in MaxBulk Mailer. This behaviour do not depend on the way of unsubscribtion (automatic link in an email or cmd=unsubscribe&email= ).
More over, after manual change fld_sub in DB from 1 to 0 user also disappeared from the remote list.
What settings do I need to change else?
Please help.
Just bought MaxBulk Mailer. Installed and registred 8.5 RU version. Created new database.
Installed MLM on web-server.
Changed lm_settings MySQL host to 'localhost'
GetInfo command answers:
MLM version: 3.1.6
PHP version: 5.5.0 (Safe mode OFF)
max_execution_time = 1800 seconds
max_input_time = 60 seconds
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 50M
upload_max_filesize = 50M
display_errors = off
register_globals =
path_to_script = http://doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php
working_directory = /home/doorsistem/domains/doorsistems.ru/public_html/lm
total lists = 1
total recipients = 3
total deliveries = 0
MLM folder permissions = 0777
mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0755
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755
mySQL Host: Localhost via UNIX socket
mySQL Server: 5.6.19-67.0
mySQL Client: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 40933630edef551dfaca71298a83fad8d03d62d4 $
mySQL Protocol: 10
mySQL Charset: utf8
Diagnose command answers:
MLM 3.1.6 diagnose ran on 2015-09-08 at 15:47:55
request_uri = http://www.doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php?cmd=diagnose&pwd=-----
path_to_script = http://www.doorsistems.ru/lm/lm.php
working_directory = /home/doorsistem/domains/doorsistems.ru/public_html/lm
mailqueue permissions = 0755
sqlqueue permissions = 0755
uploads permissions = 0755
imports permissions = 0755
templates permissions = 0755
#1 mysql_connect( localhost, doorsistem_deal4, -----, doorsistem_dealers4 )
-> Connection OK!
#2 mysql_select_db( doorsistem_dealers4 )
-> Database selection OK!
#3 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_req` WHERE `fld_sub` = '0' )
-> Query OK!
#4 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub` WHERE `fld_list` = '' )
-> Query OK!
#5 mysql_query( SELECT * FROM `tbl_mlm_sub_clk` WHERE `fld_delivery` = '' )
-> Query OK!
#6 1 list(s), 3 recipient(s), 0 deliveries
-> No error found.
Lists (List Name | Total Recipients | Modification Date):
companies4 | 3 | 2015-09-08 15:36:33
Changed lm_prefs
$unsub_keep = true; // Keep unsubscribed emails in lists (as unsubscribed)
$unsub_confirm = false; // Ask user to confirm unsubscribe
$unsub_silent = true; // Unsubscribe without notification email
The problem is after unsubscription user disappears from the database and from the remote list in MaxBulk Mailer. This behaviour do not depend on the way of unsubscribtion (automatic link in an email or cmd=unsubscribe&email= ).
More over, after manual change fld_sub in DB from 1 to 0 user also disappeared from the remote list.
What settings do I need to change else?
Please help.